Bellingham - Bicycle Tour in 1981 - CycleBlaze

June 7, 1981 to June 13, 1981


A Week Off

Although we welcomed a break from the road, we didn't plan to take a whole week off. But as things progressed, one day seemed to flow into another and it simply happened that way. We spent some of the time looking for work... odd jobs to earn a little scratch that might carry us a little further down the road. We didn't have much success. The economy in the USA, back at that time, was in a slump. Interest rates were very high and some heavy industries, such as coal, iron, and steel were beginning their decline. Everyone was feeling it. We were able to get 8 hours of work on a farm, near Lynden, picking strawberries. Our take home pay was $28.00. It was good work, as long as it wasn't raining. We were fortunate to have had a dry day to work. On either side of that one dry day, it rained for most of the daylight hours.

Along with Chris and Pat, we attended a professional baseball game in Seattle. We took a bus down and back from Bellingham. The Boston Red Sox were visiting the Seattle Mariners that evening. The game was a pitching duel between John Tudor, of the Sox and the Mariners' Floyd Bannister. Tudor gave up a two run homer and that was the difference in the game, as Bannister threw a shutout. Paul was trying all game long to get the attention of Red Sox left fielder, Jim Rice. Finally, late in the game, Rice gave a subtle tip of his cap to satisfy the "obnoxious fan."

It was not all down time that week. We worked on our bikes, cleaning, lubing, and tweaking them. Pat let me use her sewing machine to again effect repairs to my wool sweater. I think I surprised her, with my halting style, but I could actually use the device with some measure of proficiency and got the sweater mended. She tried to hide a smile when I told her I was done. It wasn't the best sewing job but that sweater held up for a long time afterwards.

One night, Pat and some of her lady friends, including her mother and a sister, invited Paul and I to go out with them. For some reason, we didn't end up going. I regretted not going, thinking later that maybe I too should have become a priest after this trip ended.

We were part of a big and happy family in Bellingham. Note my sweater, mended and looking pretty good.
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Eventually, our week came to a close and it was time to move on. We felt like part of the family, having had a wonderful time with Chris, Pat, the kids, and the several pets. I grew attached to one of the kittens that never passed up a chance to sit on my lap. Paul and I got a much needed break from the road, recharged ourselves, and were looking forward to continuing the adventure. On Sunday morning, we would begin our ride across the Evergreen State and the rest of the country. Bellingham will always be remembered fondly.

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