Wildcamp near Wolfang - The fifteenth step ... Four months in Australia - CycleBlaze

May 20, 2024

Wildcamp near Wolfang

Despite our rather pessimistic expectations,  we had a rather enjoyable ride today.  We had been expecting a rather ugly route peppered with coal mines and with heavy traffic on the road dominated by mining vehicles.   And all into a headwind.

The only signs of mining today were in the first fifteen kilometers from Clermont.
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As it turned out the wind was mostly behind us or from the side with only about eight kilometers into a headwind.   The traffic, much of which was mining vehicles,  was the lightest we have had since leaving Carnarvon Gorge.   To improve things even further we had lovely views of the Gemini Mountains, and Wolfang in particular,  for most of the ride.

The only black mark on the day was the dodgy rim tape on my front wheel causing another puncture,  the third that it has made so far on this trip.

To balance the puncture out we were stopped by a lady whose mother, now ninety three years old, had cycled around  Australia at the age of sixty nine, amongst many  other cycle tours.  The joy on the daughter's face when she was talking to us couldn't be concealed. She took some photos of us to send to her mom who is now in a seniors home on the Gold Coast.

Wolfang in the distance.
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My puncture occurred between this picture and the previous one.
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Up close.
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We have a very nice wildcamp on the edge of the Gemini Mountains Section of the Peak Downs National Park.   

Our very peaceful campsite.
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Tomorrow we hope to make it to another wildcamp about eighty five kilometers north east of here.

Today's ride: 58 km (36 miles)
Total: 3,243 km (2,014 miles)

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