Rolleston - The fifteenth step ... Four months in Australia - CycleBlaze

May 14, 2024


Despite the noise of trucks passing by in the night, we had a good sleep.  I guess that as we get older we become accustomed to waking up a number of times in the middle of the night,  whether it is caused by one's partner getting up for a pee or thirty tons of road train rushing by at high speed.

Time for my first cup of coffee.
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There was very heavy dew last night and it took an age for the tent to dry sufficiently to pack it away.  So no birding at the wildcamp this morning. 

The ride to Rolleston was uneventful.   Mostly flat and straight.   A tailwind helped us along for much of the way and we arrived at the campground before noon.  A hot shower, laundry and lunch was the order of proceedings.  

Rolleston is tiny so the little shop slash fuel station slash post office didn't have much to offer.  Meat was on the forefront of our minds so we settled on a large steak.  It turned out not to be a big piece of all - once on the BBQ it split into five thin slices.  Nonetheless,  it was meat and it was meat that we were craving.   

The mistake was made easier to swallow by the friendly couple with  whom we were sharing the  camp kitchen.  Quite different from the Grey Nomads in that they were using the kitchen and not secluding in their caravan and also by talking to us in a way that suggested they understood how we traveled and didn't think we were reckless idiots. 

Seventy odd kilometers to Springsure with some hills towards the end suggests tomorrow will be a tough day.

Today's ride: 54 km (34 miles)
Total: 2,916 km (1,811 miles)

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