Nebo - The fifteenth step ... Four months in Australia - CycleBlaze

May 22, 2024 to May 23, 2024


Wednesday the 22nd of May 2024

Not the best day of the tour.

We had done a good job of cutting down the distance to Nebo yesterday but last night's wildcamp was never going to be great.  Lots of noise from the traffic just a hundred or so meters away and every now and then a train came past.  The worst was the heavy chemical smell in the air.  Both Leigh and I woke up with headaches this morning,  this after a couple of nights without beer so alcohol can't be blamed.

Once back on the road it was similar to yesterday afternoon but less intense.   The wind was finally becoming a nuisance after being more in our favour than expected over the previous days.

We stopped at the rest area in Coppabella to fill up with water at the drinking water facility that had been advertised along the road for the previous ten kilometers only to find that the municipality had shut it down.  Luckily there was a food truck parked at the rest area and the kind lady running it filled up a few bottles for us.

Most of the coal is transported by train.
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The sign says it all.
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The last fifty kilometers was passed without incident and we arrived at the simple campground in Nebo in time for lunch.  There is no kitchen or fridge available but the camp attendant kindly offered the use of her fridge. 

 Unfortunately,  while taking some beers to put in her fridge her dog attacked me.   I ended up with four bites and a ripped pair of trousers.  The camp attendant, who seemed in a state of shock, patched me up as best as she could.  I was so angry that i hardly said a word during the time she sorted out the wounds although during the attack i let out sone choice Anglo-Saxon expletives. Leigh noted that if that dog's owner had been a man I might not have been so restrained.   I am in no real discomfort but the incident has soured our stay in Nebo somewhat. 

Most of the damage was on my shin. There's not much more than skin and bone there so it probably looked worse than it was.
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Suzanne GibsonHow terrible. Do you have rabies immunisation?
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3 months ago
Jean-Marc StrydomHi Suzanne, according to the Australian Government Department of Health there is no rabies in Australia. See
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3 months ago
Scott AndersonTo Jean-Marc StrydomVery comforting. As bad as it looks, I’m glad it wasn’t worse.
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3 months ago
Jean-Marc StrydomTo Scott AndersonIt looks and feels a lot better now. I pride myself on reading, a d managing, dogs' behaviour but I got it wrong this time.
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3 months ago
A few extra wounds above my knee plus a torn pair of trousers.
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Thursday the 23rd of May 2024

A quiet day.  Laundry etc plus a bit of extra care for my dog bites.  The camp attendant has been very contrite.  She has had my trousers expertly repaired by a local seamstress,  refunded our camping fees and bought us some beers.   

We spent so me time Koala hunting,  as expected  without success, and birding a bit, somewhat more successfully if finding new birds was the objective. 

The Nebo Hotel has been in existence since 1862.
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We have been fed a few horror stories as to what we can expect on the road to Mackay.  Unfortunately we have run out of options and will have to brave a hundred kilometers more of the Peak Downs Highway.   If any of the small towns in the area had a grocery store we would be able to take another route but we have run out of food and the next grocery store is on the outskirts of Mackay.  We will only head as far as Epsom tomorrow, a really short ride which we hope will happen during one of the quieter periods of traffic.  Hopefully the traffic on the weekend will be quieter and we can have an easier ride into Mackay.

Today's ride: 59 km (37 miles)
Total: 3,389 km (2,105 miles)

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Angela NaefThat’s rotten about the dog bites! Hope it heals ok and there are better days ahead.
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3 months ago
Graham SmithThat dog owner has good reason to be contrite. Recent changes … this year… to Qld law put her right in the frame for substantial fines.

These laws followed some horrific incidents incidents including the death of parcel delivery guy.

Max. Penalty is now $108,000 fine and several years jail.,seriously%20injures%20a%20person%3B%20and
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3 months ago
Jean-Marc StrydomTo Graham SmithHi Graham, I know nothing of Australia's federal and state laws but I would have thought the owners of dogs involving attacks on people and other animals would attract heavy sanctions as is the case in much of the world. However, even though I had walked past the dogs as directed by the owner, I still felt I should have detected it felt threatened and that I carried some of the liability because I didn't give it space. I believe the owner's contrition was genuine and her response, at the very least, adequate but I suspect she was relieved I didn't make a song and dance out of the affair.
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3 months ago
Graham SmithTo Jean-Marc StrydomSpeaking of state laws and one which is unique to QLD.

Having pet rabbits or selling them in Qld carries penalties of up to six months in jail and a $44,000 fine.

I saw a sign with that message when I cycled toward Brisbane. I should have taken a photo.
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3 months ago