Ingham - The fifteenth step ... Four months in Australia - CycleBlaze

June 18, 2024


After the unpleasantness of the previous night we enjoyed a quiet and peaceful night's sleep.  

About six kilometers of quiet road led us back to the Bruce on which we stayed until we reached the caravan park about two kilometers before Ingham.   A good to excellent shoulder for almost the whole way mitigated the occasional bouts of heavy traffic. 

After a few kilometers on the Bruce we encountered Nathaniel from Germany who is cycling from Cairns to Brisbane. A long natter ensued in which we shared information about what to expect on our respective ways.
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After settling in at the campground I  left Leigh to deal with the laundry while I headed into Ingham to buy some fresh meat and vegetables for supper.

Our tent is pitched in the full sun so we spent the rest of the afternoon in the camp kitchen.   I noticed what I thought was a plastic frog on one of the chairs.  When I tried to pick it up it moved slowly out of my grasp.  It turned out to be a sleeping White-lipped Tree Frog, the largest of the tree frogs.  It spent the rest of the afternoon there, quite unconcerned by our presence, and finally moved off as the sun started to set.

White-lipped Tree Frog (Nyctimystes infrafrenatus)
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The caravan park is squeezed between the Bruce and sugarcane fields but it was great to have a hot shower, get our laundry done and eat a big helping of chicken curry.  If there is one thing we have managed to do on this trip it is to keep our diet varied.   The old cycle touring standard of pasta and a tomato based sauce has hardly featured. 

Tomorrow we head for Lucinda Beach but will first stop off at the wetland in Ingham that is reported to be a good birding spot.  Unfortunately a heavy dew is  likely tonight so we can't get away too early. 

Today's ride: 53 km (33 miles)
Total: 4,282 km (2,659 miles)

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