Garradunga - The fifteenth step ... Four months in Australia - CycleBlaze

July 1, 2024


The rain chucked down again last night but today has been the driest day we have had in a week with only one weak attempt at rain while we were on the bikes.  Unfortunately the rains are predicted to start again tomorrow night and to continue until into next week.  Consequently our plans have still not crystallized and we had no idea as to where we would end up tonight. 

The tent had dried sufficiently by the ten o'clock check out time for us to pack up and head up the steep climb over the Moresby Range that separates Etty Bay from the flatter land to its interior.  Nine kilometers of quiet road before five or so on the Bruce got us to Innisfail.  We decided to carry on only as far as Garradunga, a small spot on the map in the farmlands a few kilometers further north, mostly on quiet farm roads.   But first we filled up on an enormous lunch of fish and chips followed by stocking up at the local Coles.

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We have a simple room at the Garradunga Hotel for the surprisingly low price of fifty dollars for the night.  It's a busy little pub with a small campground attached but a night out of the tent for three dollars more than last night's campsite wasn't to be sneezed at.

Sunset over the Atherton Tablelands as seen from the balcony outside our hotel room.
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We have no idea what tomorrow holds.  We may head to the coast again or further inland to the Babinda Boulders.  The heaviest rain is predicted for Thursday and Friday so we want to avoid being on the Bruce on those days.

Today's ride: 30 km (19 miles)
Total: 4,611 km (2,863 miles)

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