Cape Hillsborough National Park - The fifteenth step ... Four months in Australia - CycleBlaze

May 27, 2024 to May 29, 2024

Cape Hillsborough National Park

Monday the 27th of May 2024

It took us about an hour or so to get to a bicycle shop, grocery store and camping shop to pick up various items before leaving Mackay.  We managed to avoid the Bruce Highway for all but ten kilometers of the ride and even those ten kilometers weren't too bad with a good shoulder the whole way.

Not easily visible in this picture but this was our first view of the ocean since arriving in Gerroa on the 9th of March.
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After settling in at Cape Hillsborough National Park we headed down to the beach.

Same-same but different.
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Same-same but different.
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Tiny crabs are responsible for these intriguing little sand balls.
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Tuesday the 28th of May 2024

After a quick cup of coffee/tea we were up to witness the Agile Wallabies and Eastern Grey Kangaroos feeding on the beach.  Cloudy skies meant we missed out on the sun rising above the sea behind them and made for challenging photography so we will try again tomorrow.  A heavy rain shower drove us off the beach in time for breakfast..

Agile Wallaby (Notamacropus agilis) also occurs in New Guinea.
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Eastern Grey Kangaroos
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After breakfast we tackled the hiking trail over the headland and enjoyed some good birding.   The disaster was that I had forgotten to insert a memory card back in my camera after copying the Kangaroo shots to my tablet so I  have nothing visual to show for it.

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Grass tree, I don't know which species.
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One of the lookouts at the top of the headland.
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It has rained sporadically throughout the day and evening but we managed to squeeze in a walk along tge Beach this afternoon picking up a few new birds as well.  All in all, it has been a good stay here ar Cape Hillsborough. 

Heading up to Calen tomorrow.   A short ride so we hope to do one more walk before we leave here.

Wednesday the 29th of May 2024

The rain poured down last night and it was still raining when we woke up this morning.   This meant another go at the wallabies and kangaroos on the beach was out of the question. So we decided to spend another night here.  Hopefully tomorrow morning will be better. 

After breakfast the rain had cleared and we spent an enjoyable couple of hours walking and birding through and near tge mangroves a couple of kilometers from the camp.  This time my camera had a memory card but bird photography in the gloomy rain forest environment without a decent flash gun was almost impossible.   Fortunately for me the camp birds were obliging once we returned for lunch.

Bush Stone-curlew (Burhinus grallarius).
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Laughing Kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae) close up.
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Bar-shouldered Dove (Geopelia humeralis).
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Peaceful Dove (Geopelia striata).
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Today's ride: 65 km (40 miles)
Total: 3,556 km (2,208 miles)

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