Bramston Beach - The fifteenth step ... Four months in Australia - CycleBlaze

July 2, 2024

Bramston Beach

Last night was a complete train crash.  A bunch of guys kept us awake until after midnight with loud music and louder conversations.  They eventually settled down after Leigh gave them an earful.  But the music was still on in the early hours of this morning from the room next door.  Sid, the hotel's general factotum, was passed out on his bed with the TV still going.  I couldn't find the remote to switch it off so I simply yanked the power cable out of the socket.  There was a vague apology from Sid this morning but we weren't convinced his heart was in it.

The weather forecast still looked rotten with rain expected from tomorrow becoming heavy on Thursday and Friday.  We really don't want to be on the Bruce on those days.

After just over ten kilometers on a lovely quiet road we reached a T-junction and had to make a decision.  Do we head to the coast again and enjoy the only day of good weather or do we get closer to Cairns to make sure we avoid the rain ?  The risky option won and we have had a relaxed day at another beach caravan park. 

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We have booked accommodation in Cairns starting from Thursday and so will head to Gordonvale tomorrow. 

Today's ride: 20 km (12 miles)
Total: 4,631 km (2,876 miles)

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