Arcadia on Magnetic Island - The fifteenth step ... Four months in Australia - CycleBlaze

June 12, 2024

Arcadia on Magnetic Island

Despite being off the Bruce Highway the traffic noise was still constantly in our ears at the campground.  Fortunately the hills behind the campground are part of a National Park and so we had lots of birds and wallabies to distract us.

Many Wallabies in the campground.
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Lots of mostly common birds in the trees around the campground.
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The patch of water water yielded some waterfowl.
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We spent some time taking in the birds and letting the tent dry and were on the road just before ten.  Forty kilometers of the Bruce is mind numbing but we did find a patch of water around the fifteen kay mark that yielded some Black-winged Stilts.

Waders have been few and far between but there was no shortage of Black-winged Stilts (Himantopus himantopus) on this patch of water.
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We had planned to spend tonight on the outskirts of Townsville but it looked so unappealing that we quickly made the decision to catch the ferry to Magnetic Island today.  First we made sure to arrange accommodation for tonight and then we rushed to the ferry terminal but just missed the two o'clock boat.  The the o'clock ferry had us on the island at a quarter to four and it was just a kilometer or so to our digs in Arcadia. 

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Some nice birding surprises while on the ferry in the form of Red-footed Booby(Sula sula) and Brown Booby (Sula leucogaster). No photos because I couldn't get to my camera because an old lady was using the stairs that lay between me and my camera.
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After settling in and a quick shower we headed down to a headland where some Allied Rock-wallabies come to feed each evening.   They have become accustomed to being fed pellets by tourists so it's not natural behaviour. 

Allied Rock-wallaby (Petrogale assimilis) with its Joey.
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Then sundowners on the beach in front of our digs.  Far better than a dodgy campground in Townsville which has a reputation for crime. 

Beer and peanuts taste better with a good sunset.
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We move on to Picnic Beach tomorrow. 

Today's ride: 54 km (34 miles)
Total: 4,123 km (2,560 miles)

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