Waiting for Antarctica - The thirteenth step ... Six months in South America - CycleBlaze

Waiting for Antarctica

This entry really doesn't have much to do with the cycle tour but  since it wouldn't be happening unless we had done the tour, I have included it.

We had a whole week to fill between arriving in Ushuaia and boarding the MS Ocean Endeavour.  To help pass the time we had Tim and Jo around for a liver punishing supper at our apartment followed by a couple of days of recovery. 

'Nuff sed.
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 This took us to Monday when we were able to visit the travel agency to collect our goodies for the trip.

Selecting jackets, gloves etc.
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After that we headed for a bike hire company that provides a full service of boxing bicycles and getting them and their cycle tourists to the airport, information of which was once again provided by the resourceful Jo.

Then it was time to buy COVID self test kits, as required by the cruise company, and some motion sickness tablets.  I have never been seasick before but the infamous Drake Channel lies between here and The Antarctica. 

With everything dealt with in one morning it meant that we now had very little left to do before the cruise started.  Some physical exercise would have been good but Ushuaia is not a kind city for cyclists and getting the bicycles in and out of the apartment would have been  a pain.  Thankfully our apartment is just far enough up the hillside to ensure that we get a little bit of exercise walking to the local Anonima and Carrefour and the rest of the town.  Unfortunately  we have spent a lot of the time boning up on our knowledge of Antarctic birds and mammals, an activity that mostly exercises the hand holding the smart TV remote control or my tablet. 

The sign at the Harbour entrance gets all the distances wrong. Look at the distance to Ushuaia itself!
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We did our COVID self tests the afternoon before departure.   All negative,  thank goodness.   It would have been terrible for one of us to test positive and have to miss out on Antarctica. 

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We went down to the Harbour area to watch our ship come in.  After that a relaxed and less liver punishing dinner at Tim and Jo's apartment.  Tomorrow we board and we're pretty hyped.

The Ocean Endeavour entering Ushuaia.
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Suzanne GibsonEven if not directly bike related, I hope you publish more about your cruise and Antarctica!
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2 years ago
Jean-Marc StrydomTo Suzanne GibsonHi Suzanne. I plan update my journal with the Antarctic trip some time this week. I need a day or two to work through all the photos, of which thereare many!
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2 years ago
Suzanne GibsonTo Jean-Marc StrydomMany photos must mean it was a great experience! I'm looking foward to your pictures.
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2 years ago