French touring cyclist get directions.
This is not YouTube so I hope it copies. A lesson for us all.
Katrin has some terrific videos. An infectious sense of humor in the middle of difficult conditions. Great humor. Great adventure. Definitely Type 2 fun. English captions available.
Not touring relevant, but I found it to be an interesting cycling video by the "Vegan Cyclist" who has found that cycling help him overcome other failures in life, etc. Warning: a you will encounter a good deal of hipster jargon.
I make no claim to be an aficionado of vids, John, but here’s a good one of Lael Wilcox' ride in the Tour Divide Race:
Superb scenery.
Not all of these are cycling videos, but here's a collection of women's adventure films that can be streamed collated by a Vancouver blogger. I've seen short versions of some of these at the Banff Film Festival World Tour in past years and intend to work my way through the list as time goes on and on and on...
A calming 3 minute watch of a East to West Coast US tour by a local cyclist.
Here's an oldie is you need some extra bike entertainment. I go into the technique of drafting big trucks shown in "Breaking Away" in my "Taring Down the Coast" journal. It's really dangerous and my advice is don't try it.
Girl is backpacking across Central America, meets bikepacker. Despite never really cycling before, decides to join him on 5 week, 2000 km bikepacking ride - by buying a used mountain bike and equipping it mostly from Walmart...
A lot of the 30 minutes or so is more about getting ready but I found it to be an entertaining watch - here.
I love that too, I find it very moving.
4 years ago