I have no personal experience Graham but it is a bit of a worry.
What were the symptoms that made them realise that something was wrong?
One felt generally unwell for long enough (several days) to go to a doctor. They said it felt like heat stress symptoms. Certainly not the classic heart symptoms.
The other one (inspired by our friend’s experience) got a referral for a full cardio health assessment. That revealed the need for a stent in one vessel.
Several years ago, two other friends (not cyclists) my age also had coronary vessel blockages severe enough to need stents.
They both said the initial symptoms felt like intestinal issues. ‘Wind’ one said.
Blood tests revealed ‘heart attacks’ had occurred. But neither had the full on symptoms which are commonly described accompanied heart attacks.
Reading this story convinced me to go for a heart calcium test. It's cycling related and heart related. I have this bookmarked and have shared it a number of times.
I went for a heart calcium test as a result and found that I have a 60% blockage in one artery, and as a result am now taking statins.
Thanks Kelly. Spot on. Perfect story for this thread.
My friend with no symptoms had an 80% blockage in one vessel, albeit an important vessel. Hence the stent.
On a positive note, it has taken almost 70 years to accumulate that 80% so the other vessels being clear is reassuring.
Interesting anecdote (from a medical perspective) from another non-cyclist friend who did suffer a heart attack and require a by-pass and stents.
The surgeon discovered that their heart had grown its own by-pass vessels! Who knew that hearts could be so adaptable.
It was 31 C here today with strong gusty wind and I began to think I was suffering from heat exhaustion being on the wrong side of 80 when I realised that my front V brake was binding!
I released it and suddenly riding was much easier!
Vitamins K3 D2 With Serrapeptase and Natokinaise
I had moderate cardio adverse effects from my two Pfizer covid vaccinations. (Most) Doctors were and still are Covid/MRNA adverse effect deniers in spite of the volumes of good scientific that have emerged and continue to emerge. That lead me to a cardio scan showing blocked arteries but not yet to the intervention stage. Other health issues lead me to discover Serrapeptase and Natokinaise. Literally - protein untanglers. These have many health benefits.
I later discovered the vitamin combination of K2 and D3 (readily available online if not you local pharmacy). This combination especially in combination with magnesium resets your calcium balance to decalcify arteries (among other things like possibly gall stones) and also put the calcium back in your bones.
Serrapeptase (originally from silk worm cacoons) and Natokinaise (originally from Nato, Japanese fermented soy beans) are now synthesised. Among many things they help remove cholesterol from arteries.
The combo of all these helps clean your arteries. I’ve been taking them a while and while I haven’t had a rescan I do feel enhanced cardio performance especially on the hills. The biggest side effect was back in spring. My first time out since before winter to the riverbed MTB tracks on my gravel bike. I felt so unexpectedly that good I decided on another lap and went a bit fast. Misjudged a curve I have been around many times by being a bit fast and realised I would hit a tree right on the edge of the track. Opted to exit the track. Went over the handlebars for the first time in my 60++ years. Landed chest on a low stump. Cracked ribs, sever bruising and a few pulled bits here and there.
Do your own research on these supplements and their cardio benefits. You GP probably hasn’t heard of them.
Hi Alec, great to hear from you. Sorry to hear about your fall. Not much fun coming off like that.
Since my opening post, the good news is that my cycling friend with the surprise need for a stent has already been cleared to return to cycling. He only needed a week off. So he’s good to go now. He has no other of cardio vessels with enough plaque to cause problems.
I know one person (not a cyclist) who developed heart problems (fibrillation, not blockage) after a Covid infection. She caught Covid in the UK before vaccinations were available. Her heart is gradually recovering of its own accord.
Thanks for the info on supplements. Interesting.
My current dietary regime is guided by Michael Mosley’s book “The Clever Gut Diet”. That is Mediterranean diet. Seems to work, but I’m yet to have a thorough heart check.
Given the recent experience of my cycle touring mates, I’ll be getting a proper check up soon.
Hi Graham
Our daughter lives in Sydney these days and while I get there from time to time I’ve never made it as far as your way but my wife is over this week and they went down to Canberra and it made me wonder what you are up to these days. So I found you here on this post on a topic dear to my heart (no pun intended). Good to see you still active.
There is a body of opinion that Natokinaise is good for the heart – especially in respect to covid – the theory being it goes after the spike protein. I can’t say that I’ve delved deeply into that in particular. Your friend with the stent but otherwise pretty good arteries makes me wonder about so called White plaque – never seen before Covid but seemed to even more common after vaccination. – Causes a whitish lining to build up in the arteries. Embalmers were the first to recognise it as they couldn’t drain out of bodies to put embalming fluid in. A friend’s father in law had a chunk removed after an almost death “heart attack” but also had pretty clear arteries. It’s not talked about much but I have watched a youtube video of a surgeon removing it from a carotid (neck) artery and subtly cursing Covid vaccinations.
About 10 years ago a young British cardiologist reanalysed some of population data studies re Statins and found on average they gave a day extra of life – and for all that trouble & side effects. Basically people with really high cholesterol have it because of the same reason they have other cardiac issues and it’s not a cause. Cholesterol is really important to transfer lots of fat soluble goodies around the body. Things are complicated. Talk to cardiologists chances are that they aren’t up with this new knowledge. Sadly the young cardiologist 10 years on is sort of ostracised from his profession but many are coming around to not prescribing statins. I’m quite happy to go the alternate new way based on what good science is coming out.
I had a bit of a look at some preview page of that book – Interesting – Maybe I’ll get a copy.
In the past 6 months, two cycling friends my age and considerably fitter than me, were found to have blockages in coronary vessels sufficiently serious to require stents to be inserted.
Fortunately neither suffered any serious symptoms, and the medical procedures went smoothly. Both are now back cycling and in robust good health. Indeed it seems that having stents inserted is almost routine nowadays.
Neither exhibited any of the classic predispositions to cardio problems and have long practiced all the right things in diet and exercise to prevent such problems. Nevertheless, the partial blockages developed regardless.
The question is, do you have any experiences to share with similar coronary vessel diagnosis and treatment?
Especially if it has affected (or not affected) your cycling.
1 week ago