RideWithGPS changes - CycleBlaze

Bicycle Travel Forum

RideWithGPS changes

Mark Bingham

Is anyone else frustrated with the recent changes in RideWithGPS? When hovering your cursor over a Point of Interest (POI), this is an example of what it looked like a couple of days ago: 

With the update, this is now what you see:

In order to see any of its information you now have to click on it; otherwise it's not visible. Plus, the information then becomes one long string with no paragraphs or other divisions.

If this is an issue for you, as it is for me, please consider letting them know that it isn't a desirable change.

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3 weeks ago
Mike AylingTo Mark Bingham

Never used that bit but if you don't like it tell them.

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3 weeks ago
Mark BinghamTo Mike Ayling

I did before I posted this.

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3 weeks ago
Jeff LeeTo Mark Bingham

I've never paid attention to POIs on RWGPS maps, so I haven't noticed a change.

I was curious, though, and tried it just now. On my PC, hovering over a POI does not do anything other than change the mouse pointer to the "hand", indicating that I can click on it. Clicking on the POI brings up a dialog that looks like this:

I don't know whether RWGPS intended to change the way that hovering works, or if it's a bug, but in general, these days web developers do not allow for hovering over something to open a pop up box, at least not as much as we used to, because it does not work on devices with touch screens, such as phones and tables. 

I know I've stopped doing it for applications I write. I require a click to open a popup now, because I don't want to do the programming two different ways, once for a regular PC, and then a different way for mobile devices. 

Maybe I'm just lazy, though ;)

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3 weeks ago
Mark BinghamTo Jeff Lee

When I noticed the change I immediately messaged them and Customer Support said they "recently made some slight changes to how POI display in the route planner." I don't know anything about programming, but suspect you're right. I have literally hundreds of POIs for my upcoming trip so it's a real pain in the butt to click on each individual one to get the information, but I suspect that's just how it's going to be. They're not going to change it back for just one whiny guy. 

And, I DO understand lazy. It's my first language.

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3 weeks ago
Wayne EstesTo Mark Bingham

I wouldn't call you lazy if you manually added hundreds of points of interest to your route. That seems like it would be a lot of work, but I don't know because I'm too lazy to add points of interest to my routes.

I do a lot of research about things to see and do on and near my routes, but I don't put any of that information on my route map. Maybe I should.

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3 weeks ago
Wayne EstesTo Mark Bingham

I wouldn't call you lazy if you manually added hundreds of points of interest to your route. That seems like it would be a lot of work, but I don't know because I'm too lazy to add points of interest to my routes.

I do a lot of research about things to see and do on and near my routes, but I don't put any of that information on my route map. Maybe I should.

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3 weeks ago
Jeff LeeTo Mark Bingham
...so it's a real pain in the butt to click on each individual one to get the information

That's interesting. I strongly suspect that the people at RWGPS who made that change did not think that anyone would have a strong feeling about it, and definitely not anticipate that anyone would consider it a "real pain in the butt" to click the mouse button. (Actually two clicks - once to open the dialog box with the info, and another to close the dialog box.)

I was curious about the popup-upon-hovering thing, and looked into it a little bit, and it does appear that the trend is away from doing it that way. Interestingly, I wrote some software for a business a few years ago, and initially allowed a dialog to open up when they hovered over items on a calendar. They didn't like it, and had me change it to requiring a click to open the dialog. It turned out that they were annoyed by dialogs constantly opening up as they moved the mouse around on the calendar.

If RWGPS gets enough negative feedback about this, they actually might change it back, or, more likely, make it a user setting so people can decide themselves how it works. That would be the best way, probably.

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3 weeks ago
Mark BinghamTo Jeff Lee

"If RWGPS gets enough negative feedback about this, they actually might change it back, or, more likely, make it a user setting so people can decide themselves how it works.
That's part of the reason I posted this - to make people aware so others might give negative feedback.

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3 weeks ago