Jeff I don’t do anything interesting with my tour photos other than use some of them in my journals. I try to cull the photos to keep the best or most useful ones only. Otherwise digital storage becomes too costly.
I do use the photo app on my iPhone to put them into digital ‘albums’, so this filing system helps me find particular photos if I go searching for them.
Occasionally I flick through an album to remember a tour and reminisce. Very occasionally.
Cool site! When I looked, the 3rd pic down showed a valley with windmill power generators and I thought "Hey! I've been there, but I was going the other way." Sure enough, I clicked on the pic and ended up on the day you rode from Baker to Ely, NV. When I did it, traveling the opposite way, I recall the descent into the valley on a misty-cool day and how when I bottomed out and headed back up the other side I reached a point where the windmills all lined up in neat rows. That trip down memory lane was fun, I'm going to occasionally visit and see what other sites I may recognize. Your Journal Page (I tried to link directly to the photo but things got weird)
My Photo;
Thanks! I actually revisited that stretch of US-50 on my tour from California to Wisconsin last year. Here's the photo of the windmills from that day:
I DO re-read my journals in their entirety every couple of years. What I DON'T do is preserve my photos very well. After I've posted them on my journals, I generally delete all but my favorite ones from my phone. I've been taking more and more pictures for my recent journals, so I think I should develop a better system.
Hey Jeff, sometimes I have tried to download my blogs using various software, but it never grabs the actual photos. Here you have downloaded the photos only - how did you find, count, and capture them? Do you also know how to download an entire blog, with the photos actually in there?
I wrote a little custom program to extract them from my journals and save copies of the photos.
This website does not have built-in functionality to export journals, but the html that is generated to display the journals is clean enough that it's fairly straightforward to write a "scraper", like I did to extract my photos.
Like many of us here, I take lots of photos on my bike tours. I recently downloaded all 9,257 photos from my published journals on CycleBlaze and created a little website that randomly displays them, one page (15 photos) at a time, with a link back to the journal page that each photo came from.
Seeing all 18.5 years worth of my touring photos (those I deemed interesting enough to publish in my journals, anyway) in purely random order like this has been fun. I rarely go back and read through one of my journals in its entirety, so this has been a neat way to remember things I've forgotten about.
This is the website.
What interesting things do you all do with the photos you've taken on tours?
1 week ago