Are there rstrictions on loading photos to journals? - CycleBlaze

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Are there rstrictions on loading photos to journals?

Rose Parkin

Hi Everyone - I'm new here and trying to discover how to create a journal before using this site for a GDMBR journal later in 2025. Mostly the discovery is intuitive, but I'm having trouble with adding photos. It seems like only the first one will load, and the others sit there as a caption. My text loads fine.

I'm manually bringing across a journal I wrote on a European ride, and I've made one stage visible while I work on the other stages

I've edited all photos to <5Mb, and reloaded them, but still they won't appear.

What advice to you experienced journalers have?

Oh, new discovery, after I posted - it seems there is no way to edit the title of a post, just the body - really wanted to fix that typo!

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1 month ago
Rose ParkinTo Rose Parkin

@Bob Koreis - Yes! your comment in the journal is exactly what I'm struggling with!

You wrote:

For whatever reason, of all the photos added to the so far two written entries, I only see one on each page. Have to wonder if it's me or some formatting issue. I've not encountered this before with CB.

That last sentence is a bit of a worry... I don't like being unique!
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1 month ago
Wayne EstesTo Rose Parkin

You edit the title of a page on the same screen where you enter the body text of that page. Above the large text area called "Entry Content" are one line fields for Title, Subtitle, and Date.

All I can say about photos is that it can take time for a group of large photos to upload. It takes several seconds for each photo to upload. A new thumbnail and blank caption area appear after each successful photo upload.

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1 month ago
Rose ParkinTo Wayne Estes

Thanks Wayne - to avoid the large upload issue I have attempted to upload single photos of less than 5Mb, but it hasn't worked, still only 1 photo per page appearing.

The title edit comment was in relation to the forum topic, not the journal page topic - there is a typo in the title of my forum post!

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1 month ago
Scott AndersonTo Rose Parkin

That’s very strange.  I routinely upload photos in batches of five or so at a time, and if the WiFi connection is reasonable they all make it up within a half minute, listed with caption boxes next to them.  You can resequence them and caption them at this point until saving them to your post.  It’s never been an issue.

Can you give a brief description of your technique, including what your uploading from and to, and whether you upload one at a time or a batch?

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1 month ago
Rose ParkinTo Scott Anderson

This week I'm uploading from a laptop to the webpage via a starlink connection; last week I was on a mobile connection, but it didn't work for more than one photo either.

I upload one photo at a time, wait for it to fully appear then click to apply it to the page. It makes no difference if I try to upload in a group or just one - all appear in upload, but not in journal page.

I've cut and pasted the text from another document, and there is no issue with how that appears on CB.

This is all rather weird - and frustrating!

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1 month ago
Scott AndersonTo Rose Parkin

Well, I’m of no help then.  I import my photos to my iPad via an SD card adaptor and then upload to the website from there.  I think you’re going to have to get the webmaster involved so he can look into it.  Good luck!  I’m anxious to see the rest myself.  Rachael and I have biked through Mertola twice in the past and I’d enjoy seeing someone else’s take.

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1 month ago
Mike AylingTo Rose Parkin

This will be of no help to you Rose but I have noticed a similar problem on at least one other journal on this site.

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1 month ago
Rose ParkinTo Mike Ayling

It does seem there is a limit on the size of the photo file that can be uploaded and saved (that's 2 steps, and passing the first does not guarantee passing the second!)

I have saved all my photos as files less than 5Mb, but this isn't small enough. Some files of 3.5Mb saved ok, but others didn't.

My work around was to open each photo, take a screen snip, and save that snip as the file I would upload. These snips are mostly less than 1Mb, and it seems to have worked.

Jeff at info@cycleblaze has been very helpful even tho it must have been very frustrating for him!

Thanks for your comments, both here and in my journal.

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1 month ago