Gosh, that's a good topic, Greg. When I'm not cycling, I enjoy reading, listening to music, and cooking. I even write my own cooking blog. I like movies too--especially comedies. I make short Youtube videos but have never won an Academy Award. Finally, I'm one of those rare individuals who actually enjoys shoveling his driveway by hand.
Greg especially because it’s New Year’s Day, I don’t want you to be talking to yourself (as solo cycle tourers tend to do) so I’ve put a solid 10 seconds of thought into a reply.
Other than being somewhat obsessed with cycle touring, my only other slightly unusual backstory is that I’m a former Mr Whippy Ice Cream Truck driver.
This was how I saved enough hard cash to buy my first cycle touring bike, and then use that bike to cycle tour across Europe 45 years ago.
By driving around the suburbs playing “Greensleeves” on chimes and selling countless soft serve ice cream for 50% commission. No guaranteed wage. Just commission but I saved a lot of money which I then spent on a bike, panniers, sleeping and 9 months of wonderful cycle touring which was a life changing experience.
Thanks for the great Mr. Whippy story, Graham. That's exactly the kind of thing I was looking for as it helped me to know you a little bit better.
Former IT manager, now retired. YouTube action figure (https://www.youtube.com/@AdventuresWithPaul) featuring cycle adventure videos and yacht adventures. Truth be told, I like the cycle adventures better so I'm selling the yacht.
I like hamburgers, French fries, pizza, and Thai food, although don't most people? I have two adopted shelter cats, one who carefully eats his wet food before his dry, and the other who hoovers anything near his mouth. I have never taken them on an adventure other than to the vet for checkups.
I currently have 4 bikes but will most likely donate one to a worthy cycling-advocacy organization. I'm thinking of possibly applying to be a cycling guide for an Adventure Cycling trip - good way to see the USA and meet people all in one fell swoop (what is a fell swoop anyway?). I'm a person so interested in what "one fell swoop meant and its origin that I present it to you here - https://grammarist.com/usage/one-fell-swoop/. I'm planning more adventures this year to Florida to ride the Coast to Coast, to cycle Nova Scotia and Maine, and probably Minnesota, Wisconsin, and taking the train home from Chicago. Most of my long-distance rides are solo but sometimes my wife of 30+ years, Kath, joins me.
I've lived in Pennsylvania and Georgia. I've hiked 24 of the 46 high peaks of the Adirondacks. I've backpacked in summer, fall, and winter, but never spring (I have no idea why). Oh, and one more interesting fact? I wrote the "Business Analysis for Dummies" book first edition.
I'm open to exploring possible rides with other like-minded individuals (even if you don't like Thai food). AdventuresWithPaul@icloud.com
Thank you, Paul, for helping us get to know you a little better. (Warning: If you follow up on your Minnesota plan, I'll find you no matter how hard you try to hide.)
I don't like to brag but I can pick up a pencil with my toes.
Oh, and I am retiring this May. Woo-hoo!
More bike touring? Yes I hope so!
But also some backpacking and other non-bike/backpack kind of traveling. Cant wait.
That's an impressive skill you have, Karen. In my opinion, it almost qualifies as a superpower. Congratulations on your upcoming retirement, and thanks for helping us get to know you a little better.
No, I'm not inviting you to a New Year's dinner party at my house. This is simply an invitation to share a little something about yourself. Obviously you like bike touring, but what else might we learn about you? Hobbies? Professions? Skills? Accomplishments? Academy Awards? Superpowers? Do you live in a cool town? Do you have any New Years resolutions?
Since it's unlikely any of us will ever meet more than a few Cycleblazers in person, I'm posting this topic with the hope it will help us get to know each other a little better. Thanks.
2 months ago