Hmmm, things I've done on tour that I wouldn't do at home...
Does wearing shorts that make it look like I'm sporting a full nappy, and sunglasses that the average rapper would shun, count?
If not, I'm also going to wait for others to disclose, before you get me onto the body count 👹
We've ridden through tunnels that have "No Bicycles" signs because for sure we were not going to backtrack several miles and climb over some ridiculous mountain. We should have worn oxygen tanks though. And earplugs. And slugged a Xanax or shot of Johnny Walker Red first. The time we saved was probably spent at the end of the tunnel getting our knees to stop shaking.
Way back in 1989 I pedaled across the Mississippi river in a place with a sign saying "No Bicycles".
Way back in 1989 I pedaled across the Mississippi river in a place with a sign saying "No Bicycles".
Trespassing when stealth camping and public urination out in the middle of nowhere where there are no restrooms are a couple that are probably somewhat common among us. (Notice how I didn't actually say whether I myself did it or not?)
Public urination isn't an offence per se in England, Mark. Over here, it's only problematic if there are people around. So if you've any overthepond confessions to make, I can grant partial absolution 😉
Mark, yes, fashion crimes definitely do count. A few years ago, I started wearing baggy cycling shorts because I feared being arrested for assault on the eyes of those who had to look at my lycra-clad body.
Today's topic of discussion is the most out of the ordinary things you've done while on tour that you wouldn't normally consider doing at home. Such things might include--but are not limited to--traffic violations, minor indiscretions, bad judgement, misdemeanors, felonies and sins. (I'm not an attorney, but it's probably best if you don't respond to this topic if the statute of limitations on your felonies haven't expired yet.)
I'm kind of shy about exposing/bragging about my bad moments, so I'll wait to share a couple of them until after I hear a few other admissions. Thank you.
2 months ago