and raises a lovely young girl and maintains a terrific website, you could add. Seems worth a bit of extra credit.
My miles per year are depressingly low as well and I don't have a toddler to chase around and two jobs and a website and a new house and oh well, I have no excuses, really. But it's always inspiring that folks like the woman featured in the article and my fellow bike tourist pals are out there riding and sharing where they go with us. I'm looking forward to our upcoming trip and while mileage stats have never been a big concern for me the hope is to transfer the padding on myself to padding up my stats.
Janet Anspach Rickey and Stephen have just completed 12,500 miles in 365 days.
They have to be the clubhouse leaders at present.
Jeff an important strategy in pursuing the holy grail of long distances is to cycle in a country with metric road distances. Clocking up a record number of kilometres is so much faster than doing so in miles.
I totally agree about kilometers vs. miles. I always feel so much stronger riding in Europe when I do 100 kilometers vs 60 miles in the U.S. ;-)
With you on the kms, Karen & Graham. As for the extravagant distances, I find that visualization helps ;) Actually, I must confess that I've started doing that only in the last couple of weeks, since young Bianca Andreescu, our newest tennis phenom, publicly extolled its virtues. Just this morning, f'r example, I visualized a terrific route I know but haven't visited for ages--northwards in Zambia's Luapula Valley along the Codrington Road beside the river to Lake Mweru, then east to the greatest waterfall no-one has ever heard of, Lumangwe Falls, a.k.a the mini Mosi-oa-Tunya, and onward to the west side of Lake Tanganyika. There--I feel sweaty, fulfilled, and hungry & thirsty already! Time for a nostalgic review of old photos, and a cold Castle.
I'm 62, still working and this year I'll do around 4,000 miles outdoors, not counting more over the winter on Zwift in the basement, and that will be my highest mileage year ever, working out to around 5 hours per week. I also hike with a friend each week, get some kayaking and motor boating in a few times per month, etc.
Back when my kids were young and I was traveling a lot for work, 1,000 - 2,000 miles per year was about what I could squeeze in but I had a group of friends and we would do week-long credit card style tours together - I actually did more multiday tours then compared to now.
I can see my bike mileage doubling when I retire, but I'm pretty sure it won't go up to by a factor of 5 - I just don't have enough power of concentration... When they stayed with us on their way through Maryland, hearing Janet and Steph's story was amazing!
I'm just happy to realize I'm not the only one who obsesses over how many miles I've ridden each week/month/year! 3600 was my all time high last year, by the way. Helped that I went south for two months in the winter. That didn't happen this year, and my mileage total shows it.
Created a few years ago by Wired: How This Woman Rides 20,000 Miles a Year on Her Bike.
"I just wake up in the morning and that's what I want to do."
I like how she casually mentions that she's in the process of riding all the major roads in Alaska in a single summer.
I'm impressed. If Wired made a similar video about me, for the last couple of years it would be titled, "How This Man Rides 200 Miles a Year on His Bike."
5 years ago