Hi John
Our planned trip to Italy this spring is subject to a sudden cancellation so we need a Canadian replacement ready to go. Although I'd much rather visit this area in the fall to see the colours (we don't get that in BC), I really don't want to stay home this spring either.
You mention an electronic version of the Route Verte Guide but the link to purchase only describes a paper one. How would I obtain an electronic version?
Hi Jacquie,
If you go to the Route Verte website, here: https://www.routeverte.com/en/ , on the left-hand side of the page you'll see "Discover", "Ride" and "Lodging". Click on or hover over "Discover", and you'll see "Interactive maps", "Explore cycling Networks", etc.
This is the same info as appears in the hard-copy Guide, arranged a bit differently.
I should say that I've usually used the hard-copy guide: that sets out the routes, and then I've used both the guide and Google info to identify places to stay, etc. I do see that the "Interactive Maps" on the website are up-to-date, as one would expect.
Hope that's helpful.
What date(s) are you looking at? Be aware that spring arrives rather later (say, 3 weeks) in the Gaspé than in (e.g.) Ontario, so that what's manageable and pre-bugs here in mid-May can be cold and wet in Gaspé or New Brunswick.
Cheers, John
Our trip to Italy was to start April 21 and return June 19. We've decided to cancel if the Giro d'Italia is cancelled but it's looking not so good right now. Plan B was Greece, but if Italy is still in pandemic, I can't see how Greece could be much different.
I really don't like heat and what I remember of visiting Montréal in the summer of 1971 as a 12-year-old was being unable to sleep due to the heat and humidity. I don't like bugs either so perhaps it will be a fall trip someday. I ordered the hard copy guide so I'll have it for a future trip if not this spring.
I have to say, I'm really disappointed that the trip I've been wanting to do for years is in peril. It wouldn't be so bad except I'm trying to make up for the 23 years stuck at home in my prime...
You're probably wise to postpone either of those trips. I had been thinking of a tour in France this late summer, but changed that for family reasons -- working with the assumption that France will still be there in another year. Same thing for Italy, I hope!
Y'know, Jacquie, if your schedule allows, you could do a Gaspé trip in July or Aug, and along the coast it's very unlikely you'll encounter serious heat. Or bugs, either, for that matter: the winds take care of both. (You'll generate heat in headwinds.) The coastal road goes through very few treed areas, and on our trip in late July/early Aug, we had no bugs to worry about.
If you started to feel warm--not hot, mind--you could stop beside the water and walk in up to your knees. On our trip, I didn't actually swim -- I managed to immerse myself for a few seconds in the shallows at our campsite on the Gaspé coast of the Baie des Chaleurs (the soi-disant Baie des Chaleurs).
The waters of the Gulf off the coast of PEI are warm enough to swim in, esp in the Northumberland Strait. The St Lawrence or the S shore of the Gaspé, er, not so much.
Cheers, J.
I’m sold too. If Europe doesn’t work out we will take our loonies back east.
Kathleen (and Jacquie), I'm probably stating the obvious here, but with the escalation of The Situation over the past 3-4 weeks, especially in Québec, all bets are off for this year.
That said, just like France and Italy, the Gaspé will be there next year. It's a wonderful ride to make in any year.
Cheers, John
Great to hear from you. Quebec will have to wait for another year, the Maritimes too, we are very sure, but we are really excited about touring in the east. We are happy being home for the moment, and grateful for so many things. Spring is sprunging on the west coast, and we are planting a veggie garden as we will be home for the harvest. I am polishing my sourdough bread making skills. No more calculations about what day I will be home long enough to make the bread happen! We can still get out on the bikes. Stay safe, stay home and stay healthy!
Spring, you say, Kathleen? Spring? (Sigh) We're not quite there yet...
Seriously, though, all that sounds like a good plan for our times: do what you can with what you've got.
Take care, John
If it makes you feel better, John, we are in Burnaby (not that far from Victoria as the crow flies) and we had snow last week. It didn't stick, but in April? Here? The skiing looks great on the local mountains, if only they were open. Some people have been cycling up with their xc skis (you can ride or walk but no cars on the access roads) but not me.
Hi Scott,
A note that may be helpful on the matter of traffic: The Gaspé portion of La route verte is now substantially larger than it was when I did my circuit nearly a decade ago.
Here's the current state of play: https://www.routeverte.com/en/...
You'll see from this that the Route Verte now circles nearly the entire peninsula, except for the portion just NE of Gaspé village, about 100 kms. When I rode it in 2010, the section of the north shore east of Matane was not formally part of La route verte.
Te benefit of this change is that a cyclist is assured of good shoulders -- tho' to be fair, the road conditions were very good when I was there. There are logging trucks on the north shore, and on the 132 between Mont-Joli and Matapédia, but we found that the combination of good shoulders and considerate drivers made the ride entirely manageable.
Cheers, John
5 years ago