Just like that, poof! - CycleBlaze

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Just like that, poof!

Keith Adams

I'm incredibly frustrated and need to vent.  Sorry, everyone. 

Much as I admire our administrator's technical prowess and willingness to help, trying to compose and edit a post on a mobile device is so difficult it's almost reduced me to tears tonight.

I was on the verge of completing a lengthy entry, richly illustrated with numerous high quality photos.  One photo needed to be moved to another place in the text, but when I hit "Cut" everything I'd spent the last two hours crafting so carefully and tediously disappeared instead.  All that work and all that time, wasted and lost.

I know, I know: save early and often.  

That's very disruptive,  though, and interferes with the flow of my thinking.

I've also found another less-than-endearing quirk in the mobile implementation.  If I use my Bluetooth keyboard and its track pad  the Cut feature cuts only the photo I want to move.  If I use my finger to touch the screen to select Cut, it cuts both the target AND the following image, and pastes only the second image.  The one I actually WANTED to move has been dumped completely and has to be reselected and reuploaded.

Yeah yeah save early and often.  I know.

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8 months ago
Scott AndersonTo Keith Adams

Sorry, Keith.  Regarding your second point though about the cut function taking along the second image instead.  I’m familiar with that issue too and have gotten trapped by it.  It can be avoided though, so you can protect yourself against it.  It won’t pick up the subsequent image if there is some text in between the two images.  Anything, even just a period.  When I’ve gotten something misplaced now I add a character between it and the following image before cutting it.  Hope this helps.

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8 months ago
Mark BinghamTo Keith Adams

I have a weird issue that I've wondered about:  If I cut/copy anything, as soon as I paste it, my entire post instantly becomes double spaced. If I paste something else, then it's quadruple spaced. Jeff was thinking it was a result of copying from a google doc, but it occurs even if I cut or copy from something I just typed in that post.

It's inconvenient having to occasionally delete twenty (or fifty) lines, but not a big enough deal to bother Jeff with. Still, I'm curious if it happens to anyone else, and even more curious to see if anyone has a solution.

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8 months ago
Scott AndersonTo Mark Bingham

that happens with me too, but I don’t delete them.  I might be mistaken but I think excess blank spaces are automatically suppressed when you save the post.  You might try it to see.

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8 months ago
Wayne EstesTo Mark Bingham

I see that formatting change extremely often. I usually hit UNDO to recover.

It never occurred to me that all the added blank lines might be removed when I save the page.

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8 months ago
Mark BinghamTo Scott Anderson

I tried it and when I opened it back up..... just like that, Poof! It was back to normal! 

You missed your calling. You should've been a programmer.  ;-)

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8 months ago
Scott AndersonTo Mark Bingham

Was that, for about 30 years.   It was great, but this is better.

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8 months ago
John PescatoreTo Keith Adams

When you push your foot down, in order for the bike to move forward, the pedal/crankset/bottom bracket/chain/front and rear derailleur/spokes/rim etc. all have to be working. The good news each of those has lots of "nines" in reliability, like .9999999 so when all multiplied together we still end up with the bike moving forward almost always.

The cell phone OSs, apps, wireless comms, the cloud servers/apps, domain name services and the internet: about as many components in the reliability chain, way fewer "nines" in each one!

I was a system engineer and one April Fools Day I sent email to the SW Development deparment with that kind of reliability chain info and told them short variable names were more reliable than long ones, and that "underscores" had much lower reliability than "$" so for the next product release every variable name like "Push_to_Talk_Button_Sense" had to be changed to something like P$ or the compiler would reject the code...

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8 months ago
John SaxbyTo John Pescatore

This sort of problem seems very widespread. Keith, you have my sympathy.  At first I took such problems personally personally, until I realized that there was a Systemic Thing Going On.  So, I coined an acronym to distance myself from it all:  it's a WUDiP, a Weird Unexplained Digital Problem (or Phenomenon, if you want something more hifalutin').  It's best delivered with a world-weary shrug of the shoulders, elbows in, palms outwards, head tilted to one side.   The collective/proliferation is WUDiPery.  I mention this to the folk I talk with in Tech Support here and there, and they usually say, laughing, "That's it!!"  No copyright - use & adapt as you see fit.

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8 months ago
Mark BinghamTo Scott Anderson

I remember reading that both you and Rocky were (thus the wink), and frequently note the seemingly inordinate percentage of programmers in CycleBlaze. I wonder what the correlation between touring and programming is.

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8 months ago