Sometimes email servers block the service that CycleBlaze uses to send emails. It looks like that's what yours is doing currently. I'll see if I can resolve the issue, although I'm not sure how long that might take.
Our fearless CB leader and fix-it guy is off aimless wandering around on his bicycle if you can believe that. Some nerve.
I will say, that I am receiving email notifications for comments on my journal but I've never gotten an email when I made one, either on my journal or anybody else's.
Checking the spam folder is probably the last resort here, until ol' Slacker Boy gets back home. Let us know if you find anything interesting there.
What a slacker! Thanks for the info. I should clarify that I wasn't looking for emails when I make a comment, just replies to comments I make. Thanks!
Thanks Jeff. I might go into my profile and try a different email address to see if that helps.
I also should say that I did get an email notification of your (Andrea's) reply... weird.
Dodie has noticed comments on the journal pages which have not had email notifications come through to us, also in the last week or so. Our email ? A different problem?
Things will no doubt start malfunctioning on CycleBlaze now when Jeff is finally taking his very first vacation away from the website. Isn't that the way things go? I mean, I can always expect some plumbing problem that arises suddenly the day before out-of-state guests are to arrive at my house. Never fails.
Or, no one has commented on anything you have written. There is always that!!
The blocks seem to be temporary, at least as far as I can tell.
I've been wanting to make some improvements to email deliverability for a while and these recent issues are a good reason to do that. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks we'll be able to get these problems sorted. Thanks for your patience in the meantime!
Thanks for looking into this Jeff. I switched it to my Gmail address and am getting them now.
Hi, I'm not getting email notifications when I make a comment on a journal or receive comments on mine. Not sure how long this has been happening, but probably less than a week. Have any of you noticed a similar issue?
1 year ago