Book: (Cycling Across) France in War Time , 1916 - CycleBlaze

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Book: (Cycling Across) France in War Time , 1916

Kathleen Jones

I heard about a cycle tour book published in 1916 called Across France in War Time by William Fitzwater Wray. Some of y'all are traveling through France right now and I thought it might be of interest. The writing is of the period. I found it amusing and self-deprecating. I'm not all the way through it yet but I'm enjoying it.

From the foreword in Across France in War Time by Fitzwater Wray

Years ago I rode through northern France and Belgium on a rather aimless "I think I'll ride through northern France and Belgium" tour and ended up looking for WWI locations. I did no research ahead of time, just headed to places on my Michelin map that sounded familiar from my high school history classes. I hit a few of the places he did. On a sunny summer day with green fields and hills it was impossible to imagine what those battlefields were like at the time.

Route of Fitzwater Wray early in WWI

Also interesting is the fact that the University of Warwick has a National Cycling Archive, of which this is a part.

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5 years ago
Karen CookTo Kathleen Jones

Interesting.  I was going to ride through there this summer but I had to postpone and do something closer to home.  Another time for sure.


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5 years ago