Looking for Riding Companions- Southeast France July - August - CycleBlaze

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Looking for Riding Companions- Southeast France July - August

Daniel Casey


My name is Dan. I'm a college student from Boston, and I'm looking for riding companions for my Southeast France bike tour this summer, between about July 10 and August 25.

This is my second big tour- after freshman year in 2017, I biked from Boston to Shenandoah National Park, VA. It was an amazing experience, so I decided to do another one. I wanted to go abroad this time though, and France fit the bill nicely.

The plan is to do a large counter-clockwise loop starting in Lyon, meandering through Provence, and heading north through the French Alps. I'm expecting to be riding for a little under two months total, but would love to find somebody to travel with me anywhere between a day to a week or two. I'm planning on camping, using Warmshowers, and stealth camping most nights.

Please respond if you want to travel with me, are in the area, or want to hear more about the route! Don't be a stranger.


Dan C

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5 years ago