Europe, Prepaid phone and data sim cards in Europe (page 2) - CycleBlaze

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Europe, Prepaid phone and data sim cards in Europe (page 2)


Lyle, Thank you for the update. Here in Provence now after purchasing a generous data/phone card at the Lisbon airport was 25 euros for 1 month 10GB data and 50 minutes international calling....Vodaphone.  Yes, things have improved a lot! Happy cycling, 


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1 year ago
Barbara HarrisonTo STUART MCDONALD

Hi Stuart,

We were just in Marseille airport in September. It is the most basic of airports and doesn't have any services other than a cafe. Best to get your sim cards before arrival if possible. 

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1 year ago
Barbara HarrisonTo STUART MCDONALD


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1 year ago