Too much sun while touring. (page 2) - CycleBlaze

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Too much sun while touring. (page 2)

Jerry RobersonTo Kelly Iniguez

I don't wear sunscreen, I wear my bicycle, a velomobile. Best thing ever invented IMHO. Don't have to worry about the sun, rain, snow, dogs, sore butt, or where to go pee. Everything fits inside so I have a better chance of not losing stuff. Do not get one if you are an introvert! No problem with traffic as everyone slows way down and get their phones out for pictures and videos. Hopefully after a 3-4 year layoff from touring I will get to go on a tour this fall. I was hoping to make this trip with Kelly and maybe Oren but things came up. Maybe our paths will cross soon Kelly.

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2 years ago
Kelly IniguezTo Jerry Roberson


Tucson in February! Be there or be square!

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2 years ago
Wayne EstesTo Jerry Roberson

What is the warmest temperature that you can ride with the canopy on? Do you have a place to store the canopy when it's hot? Or is ventilation sufficient with the canopy tilted up a bit as shown?

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2 years ago
Jerry RobersonTo Kelly Iniguez

I am already pretty round! LOL.

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2 years ago
Jerry RobersonTo Wayne Estes

I ride with the canopy all the time, even when it is over 110F here. It has an air intake on the nose called a SPAI, Stalled Pressure air intake, and with the visor open and it moving it is cool. Yes, you can store the canopy inside. I also use a turbo fan and motorcycle battery for around town riding. Only when stopped though or climbing steep hills. Mostly I raise the canopy and hold it open when climbing. I have a brace to hold the canopy up while pedaling. Most comfortable ride ever and it doesn't know what a head wind is. I'll be going 20+ into a steady 15 mph wind and all my upright buddies are struggling to hold 8-10 mph into the same wind. It is slow uphill but I can hit 60+ mph on even a short 6% or better down hill grade. 

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2 years ago
James FitchTo Jerry Roberson

Just curious -- what is the make and model of that velomobile?

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2 years ago
Jerry RobersonTo James Fitch

2014 Katanga WAW. The nose and tail comes off by removing 9 smalls bolts on each. This velomobile is about the only velomobile that has all bicycle parts. It has rear dropouts instead of a swingarm. Check out Bicycle_Evolution in Plano, TX. He is the only velomobile dealer in the America's. 

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2 years ago
Keith AdamsTo Tim McNamara

Nine brilliantly sunny days into my tour, the sun sleeve have been great.  I am completely sold on them.

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2 years ago
Mark BinghamTo Kelly Iniguez

I hate wearing sunscreen but, having seen a lot of skin cancers in people at work over the years, I slather it on nonetheless. It's my understanding that above SPF50 you don't get a lot of bang for your buck. According to M.D. Anderson's website, "an SPF 15 sunscreen blocks 93% of UVB radiation, and SPF 30 blocks 97%. After that, the difference in protection is small. SPF 50 blocks 98%, and SPF 100 stops 99% of UVB rays from reaching your skin." The article has some other interesting information as well.

Interestingly, I had just finished this article 10 minutes prior to reading your post:

I have three pair of sun sleeves, but find them warmer than wearing sunscreen. Still, sometimes I use them when I don't want to slather. Perhaps I'll try a pair of the Pearl Izumi ones mentioned above.

I like the idea of the Solumbra, but it covers your scalp, which seems like it might get a bit toasty, especially since I have a tendency to overheat anyway. I read a post by (I think) Rob Ewing that mentioned the Halo Sun Shield that's just a headband and the neck covering, so I've ordered one of those...  we'll see how it works.

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2 years ago