Hi Karen
When I was interested in diet for endurance events about 30 years ago the buzz word was carbo loading, for example a large dish of pasta the night before. I am now in my eightieth year and I eat a lot of protein to help combat muscle wastage and not much in the way of carbs. I do have oatmeal for breakfast and I found that before I got covid I could do a 50km ride with a coffee stop without a cake, without difficulty.
If your diet is working for you just pack some dried cranberries (craisins?) in case you bonk. In the small country towns just order a burger and ask them to hold the bun.
Kelly Iniguez has gone I think gluten free and eats apples on her rides. Check her profile and some of her journals.
I look forward to your upcoming journal.
Thanks, Mike.
I will have to get it figured out as I go I think. Apples should work on long days, smeared with peanut butter!
I am actually kind of looking forward to seeing how I ride this year. It will be a fun experiment for sure. :-)
Just curious if anyone here follows a low carb/keto diet while touring?
I started eating low carb/keto around January 2020 and lost 20 pounds. But mostly I feel GREAT! I have more energy, need less sleep, people say my skin looks better.....this list goes on and on....and though I am almost 60 I feel better on the bike than I have in decades. I can go out now on a 2-3 hour ride with a handful of cashews and not feel hungry or bonk (or no food for up to 2 hours) because I am "fat adapted". I often skip breakfast at home because I don't feel "bonky" in the morning like I used to.
I have not done a long tour on this type of diet though. It's not the low-carb in itself that I think will be a problem. But I wonder about finding foods in small town America that will work. I am going to give it a go when I resume this trip in 3 weeks. I won't be perfect but I am at least going to aim at keeping carbs lowish and not eat sugar and wheat.
Before 2020 I would eat anything and everything while touring, the more sugar and carbs the better, but I feel so much better eating this way I don't want to do that. Plus, I did a 5 day tour last summer and ate sugar/bread/high carb and I just didn't feel right.
I found this article recently recently so I know people do long rides on a keto diet, but does anyone on this site eat like this while touring? Just curious.
2 years ago