Quick scroll up or down - CycleBlaze

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Quick scroll up or down

Anne Mathers

I have a question for the expert 'blazers out there. I find myself scrolling to the top or the bottom of the page frequently while writing a journal and that amounts to a lot of swiping on my ipad. How do you scroll quickly to the bottom of the page? I have used a javascript in a bookmark but my old standby isn't working at the moment, so I am in the hunt. I understand that you can tap thr top bar to got to the too, but how about the bottom? What am I missing?

Any hot tips to share? I'll buy you a beer if we were ever to meet in person!



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2 years ago
Scott AndersonTo Anne Mathers

I don’t think there’s an alternative at present, although maybe Jeff will add a button for it at some point.  A shame - I wish I had a tip to share so I could claim that beverage.

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2 years ago
Anne MathersTo Scott Anderson

I discovered the pot of gold after a lot of digging. I can now scroll to top and scroll to bottom on my ipad without all that swiping!

The key is using Assistive Touch, found in Settings/General. Turn it on and customize the Top Level Menu. Add a new item (click +). You will then see a long list of things you will be able to access from the assistive touch button. 

    ...drumroll... you will see Scroll to Top and Scroll to Bottom in the list.

Add these two items to the menu. Then close Settings. When you tap the Assistive Touch button (which greys out after a few seconds), a menu is dispayed on screen. Voila, there is Scroll to Top and Scroll to Bottom.

When you tap Scroll to Bottom, it spawns a secondary grey button on the screen. Tap that once to activate the action. Bingo 💥

Now, it only takes three taps to go to either the top or the bottom: 1. Tap A/T button 2. Tap Scroll icon 3. Tap grey button. No more swiping!

Feels like I won the lottery. Just don't ask me how long it took me to figure it out . And as for that beer? Me thinks you will be paying the bartender, not me 🍺.


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2 years ago
Keith AdamsTo Anne Mathers

Feel free to disregard this; I am really just taking my new Bluetooth keyboard for a test drive to see whether it will be an asset or a liability when used with my tablet.  Thanks to those of you who have mentioned this type of keyboard in your posts: without those I'd never have thought to go looking for one, and would have been continually frustrated by the limitations of the built-in "soft" keyboard.  In this limited test the physical keyboard is FAR superior!

To keep the thread more nearly on-topic, I can say that the external keyboard's built-in track pad isn't much of an obvious asset as far as reducing long scrolling.  In fact it seems to be less certain than swiping the screen.  But that may simply be a function of me having fat fingers and poor motor control.

I may end up using a combination of the new keyboard and actual screen touches, as that seems to be the most effective approach so far.

[EDIT: I completely overlooked the Home/End/PgUp/PgDn keys.  With those it's a one-key operation to go straight to the top or bottom of the screen, or page through rapidly.  I have a winner!  But it does require an extra device so I am not claiming the bar tab.]

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2 years ago
Anne MathersTo Scott Anderson

It's me again. I found the assistive touch to be hit and miss, maybe because there are other conflicting gestures in the way? Not sure, so I kept looking and I found the javascript I was looking for.

Make a bookmark with this blurb:  


Name it anything you want and move it to the top of your bookmarks list or in Favourites. Then, you can access it any time by opening the side bar. This is all on ipad mini.

This one is for scroll to top, but I don't often need to do that. 


I am writing the bulk of the text in Notes, but I run into troubles when inserting photos and editting. I hope this helps others who need to save more frequently as they add photos to their journal. 


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2 years ago