I missed the KBTC Mothers' Day Breakfast Ride today due to covid - CycleBlaze

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I missed the KBTC Mothers' Day Breakfast Ride today due to covid

Mike Ayling

I had a slight tickle in my throat for a couple of days then on Sunday 1 May it was quite sore so I did a RAT which was positive so did a PCR which was positive.

The sore throat continued to worsen until on Wednesday it was so painful that I could not swallow. Other symptoms just like a very heavy cold. Runny nose with heaps of mucous then a cough. 

The testing people referred me to a local health service who texted me daily with a symptoms check sheet and phoned me every three days.

So where did I get infected? I am triple vaxxed and wear a P2 mask in crowded areas but on Saturday 23 April I volunteered for the car parking roster at our local Ferny Creek Horticultural Society who were running one of our open to the public events. It was about 10C and when the drivers wound down their windows to speak to me a wave of warm possibly covid laden air poured from the car. Or on our Wednesday ride 27 April we visited a coffee shop but there were very few other customers.

Mary is still OK but I will be rescheduling my fourth  jab due next week a further three months out.

I will try to get the club to schedule a coffee stop close to home on Wednesday so I can join them to catch up.

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2 years ago
Mark BinghamTo Mike Ayling

IF Mary tested negative, then the only places you could've picked it up are the car parking roster or the coffee shop (my guess is the latter). The virus is amazingly virulent, and some people who contract it have no symptoms whatsoever (e.g. my sister), thus allowing the further spread. 

Something to be aware of:  even if you had a mild case or one with no symptoms, your risk of heart problems is significantly increased. Here's an article about it. Or, if you want to read the primary source (more boring), click here. It's good, solid research with over a million people in the control group and more than 150,000 in the study group.

I say this just so you'll have a "higher index of suspicion" for any type of potential issue and consider checking out that "indigestion" you've never had in the past, or that funny fluttering in your chest, or just feeling more fatigued than you think you should be. The study only goes out a year so far, but it's probable the effects are longer. That study is still continuing. 

Cases are trending upwards, so be safe everyone.

And also: stupid covid.

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2 years ago
Mike AylingTo Mark Bingham

Thank you for that advice about a potential weakened heart, Mark. I am in my eightieth year and already walk up more hills than I  used to so will take extra care in future.

What was the reference to stupid covid?


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2 years ago
Mike AylingTo Mark Bingham

Thank you for that advice about a potential weakened heart, Mark. I am in my eightieth year and already walk up more hills than I  used to so will take extra care in future.

What was the reference to stupid covid?


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2 years ago
Mark BinghamTo Mike Ayling

Ha!  That's just me acting like a 10-year-old and grumbling about covid and everything it's done.

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2 years ago