I need a quick camera tip - CycleBlaze

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I need a quick camera tip

Steve Miller/Grampies

We are on the road and my Nikon camera broke. So for now I'll use the Android smart phone. But in Cycleblaze when I do Choose Photos I only get the choice of Camera, Sound Recorder, and Downloads. How can I get access to the stored photos in the phone?

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2 years ago
Steve Miller/GrampiesTo Steve Miller/Grampies

Oh, I sort of got it. If I choose Downloads I can navigate with quite a few steps away from Downloads and  to my daily photos. Is this what everyone using a phone for photos does?

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2 years ago
George (Buddy) HallTo Steve Miller/Grampies

Using my Android phone, I select the camera icon and it then gives me a list of the files (with little icons so you can tell what the photo is) in the Gallery to choose from. Are you choosing the camera icon as the 1st step to insert a pic from your phone?

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2 years ago
Steve Miller/GrampiesTo George (Buddy) Hall

George, if I select the Camera icon I get some kind of crippled version of the phone's camera app, that does not include a link to the picture gallery and somehow only wants to take videos. 

But as I wrote, if I choose Downloads I can somehow navigate to my Gallery app. On your phone, when in Cycleblaze you arrive at  Choose Images, what choices are you then given? In Windows 10 at that point I have access to Windows Explorer and can go anywhere to find my photos. Plus the next time I Choose Images, it remembers where I was choosing from. But Android - so weird!

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2 years ago
Keith AdamsTo Steve Miller/Grampies

On my Android-based phone when I hit "Choose Images" while editing a journal page the options I get are Camera, Camera (Camcorder), and Files.  

Choosing Files takes me to a file browser that defaults to Recent files.  There's a "hamburger" menu (the three horizontal lines allegedly look like a hamburger) at the upper left that, when I tap it, opens a flyout menu headed "Open from" and offers a bunch of options.

I have no clue why my Android device gives different options from yours, unless you are using some other version / variant of Android than what I have.

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2 years ago
George (Buddy) HallTo Steve Miller/Grampies

"On your phone, when in Cycleblaze you arrive at  Choose Images, what choices are you then given? "

I have choices on the top row of "Images," "Audio," "Videos," "Documents," and "Large Files."  Below that I have "Browse Files in Other Apps"  and that includes "Gallery" and "My Files" among others.  And below that I have "Recent Files" which includes all the photos and videos I have recently made.   It's easy for me to just select one of the recent photos I have taken - after I select it it is imported to Cycleblaze.

It may be that we have different Android operating systems.  My phone is pretty new and I'm still getting used to it. 

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2 years ago
Steve Miller/GrampiesTo George (Buddy) Hall

Wow, such a difference in available options. It would take an Android expert or Jeff to explain or alter it.

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2 years ago
Steve Miller/GrampiesTo Steve Miller/Grampies

With the comments from George and Keith, I think I have the picture. Different phones/versions of Android will respond very differently to Cycleblaze's "choose Images", but in all cases, with more or less clickst, you can arrive at a list of your photos and upload them.

Each person will need to figure out the manipulations that work for them. There are quite a few factors at work. The photos can be starting on a camera or a smart phone. The camera may just offer an SD card for offloading, or there may be a wifi utility. The blog itself might be being written on Windows 10, some version of Android, or IOS. 

Another thing concerns how many photos one is trying to upload. If just a few, then the order in which they come in does not matter too much, because they can be shuffled in Cycleblaze. But what if it's 40, like I sometimes do? Then they can not come in helter skelter. Consider this:

My phone will just stuff new photos into DCIM/Camera. So there could easily be 1000 photos there, and let's say 40 are from today. If Cycleblaze is somehow sent to go get these, yes, they will be on top of the pile, but they will be in descending order of when they were shot. The "story" of the blog is in ascending order of when they were shot. But if the photo app is asked to sort in ascending order, it will put (in my example) 960 photos "on top of" the ones that are needed today. Is anyone following this?

Anyway, my answer is to make a separate folder for each day on tour, and to move the photos for that day in the right folder and out the general giant pile. Then I can sort each day the way it needs to be for upload to Cycleblaze.

I am sure everyone writing a blog is dealing with some form of this photo management issue, if they are including any significant number of shots. But we never hear about what is involved, 'till now!

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2 years ago
Scott AndersonTo Steve Miller/Grampies

For what it’s worth, we do everything through the iPad.  I create a separate folder for photos I intend to upload to a single post and upload from that.  Presumably you could do the same thing with your phone, but I don’t use our phone as an uploading device so I don’t really know.

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2 years ago
Scott AndersonTo Steve Miller/Grampies

For what it’s worth, we do everything through the iPad.  I create a separate folder for photos I intend to upload to a single post and upload from that.  Presumably you could do the same thing with your phone, but I don’t use our phone as an uploading device so I don’t really know.

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2 years ago