Hi Tom,
Did should check out these links?
Riding through Switzerland is great because of the well marked bike routes and cycling infrastructure. It makes self supported touring super easy.
I did not rent a bike, but I do have a journal "Heidi Ho" if want to get a flavor for it.
We have cycled in Switzerland a few times, and have found the Swiss cycle routes to be fantastic, well signposted and easily accessed through the website Karen Cook has listed in the post above. On our trip Grampies Go in Circles e followed the Mitteland route (Swiss National 5) from the Bodensee through to France, passing very close to Biel. You can find our posts in the blog section on Switzerland, Days 44 thru 47. The only warning I would provide is that Switzerland is brutally expensive compared to other nearbu European countries. Hopefully you will post a blog of your upcoming trip, it would be fun to read about your experiences.
Karen, Thank you for your reply. I am going to head over and check out your journal. I am new to this website and hope to be a contributor. I retired 2 years ago and decided to spend more time on my bike, specifically touring by bike. I wanted to learn more about my heritage. My mother was born in Switzerland and moved with her family at age 4 to the USA. I want to know more about the area of Switzerland that the family called home. The opportunity presents itself now. I am pretty certain it will be a reality given the response here and in other cycling forums. Thanks again! Tom
Steve, Your posts are just what I am looking for, people who have experienced this route. I am a relative newbie to exploring Europe by bike. I have been on 2 supported organized tours that I loved. I now want to venture out on my own since I found that rewarding here in the USA. This route paired with my desire to know more about my family's Swiss heritage will give me a good push to move forward and be more adventurous. I envy the touring that you have done. I intend to make my retirement fulfilling and fun. Thanks, Tom
This summer I am doing a self-guided 12-day tour of Lake Constance with a group of friends. I will be continuing on after the tour on my own. I plan on accompanying them back to Zurich where I will tour self-supported (but open other opportunities) west to a small town near Biel. This is where my mother was born and family members still reside.
I am curious about what experience others have cycling this area of Switzerland. I am just now looking for options for a rental bike and panniers for this time on a bike. What are your experiences on renting a bike and touring gear in Switzerland?
I am open to being self-supported but might entertain a self-guided option if one is available.
5 years ago