Thanks Jacquie, we've not been able to give up books and have the luxury for now to have the space.
The electronic books are easier to take along. But I make up for it with my paper map collection. They take up less room and provide hours of dreaming.
We have drawers and drawers of paper maps...and agree, they still are the best to plan a route. We are slowly embracing technology.
Since I tend to do a big bicycle tour to "move house" and I'm currently on a grand tour of the US with no clear plan for where my next house might be, if you came to my "house", it would probably be my tent set up for the night on a bit of BLM land in the American West with my heavily loadedSurly LHT parked next to it. A bit of a dead giveaway, I'd think. ;)
A bicycle in the living room, and a photo of someone bicycling on the C&O Canal, and a plaque on the wall saying "The Joy is in the Journey" with a metal bicycle on it. :)
Wow! I really like the tree and the books. Sadly, guidebooks I’d purchased but never managed to use got purged. And now I buy electronic books due to space considerations.
3 years ago