Huh. I wasn’t even aware that there was an option to switch colors mid-route like this. Nice to know, especially on multi-day routes. I’ll have to experiment with it myself.
I once tried to do it that way, though I'd change colours as I went along, with a different colour for each day's expected ride. I don't think I ever got it to work, though that might have been because I kept forgetting to actually do the colour changes.
I've since stopped bothering because I use the map page on my Garmin to navigate on the road and it shows my route in whatever colour I've assigned on the device. I don't think line colour is part of the gpx file that gets transferred.
I've also stopped creating multiday routes except in the early planning process. I take the overall route and divide it into routes for individual days, though nothing is stopping me from cutting a day short or starting the next day's route while on the road. I decided to do this after my Brittany trip, when sometimes it would have been nice to know how far it was to my intended destination for the day, but Garmin could only easily tell me how far it was to the end of my multiday route.
If I want to see the overall tour route with coloured legs, I create an event and add the daily routes to that. Now if only I could eliminate the use of hard-to-see yellow...
Have you tried contacting their help section?
I received a quick response when I had a problem.
Thanks Jacquie. I've concluded to do more-or-less as you do: separate routes for each day's plan. But sometimes I like to see the entirety, and the colored legs help me easily pick out where one day may end and the next might begin.
I have yet to venture into the world of "events"; at this point every time I put a bike on the road it classifies as an event, in my mind at least. :) Especially in January in the mid-Atlantic region of the U.S.
Well of course I haven't! :) It seemed easier to ask here, somehow, in case someone else had already learned the secret.
What I wrote earlier. It may be a bug in which case they will be only too happy to sort it out for you.
I have had the same experience and it was on one of my exchanges with them that I learned about events. I don’t think my use is what the feature is intended for, but it does what I want.
I am a big fan of using colored segments on ridewithgps. I do a big map for the overall picture (with each day being designated by a different color). Then I do daily maps for the details.
Here is a recent map. Occasionally I have just the problem you mentioned. Even though I have carefully switched colors, it didn't map the color I want. The work around, if not a real solution, is to change your mapping format in the upper right corner. I typically use the original *map* format. If I'm having trouble with the colors, I will switch to one of the other choices, such as RWGPS, or satellite. Usually after that small segment is done, I can go back to my original format preference.
I have also noticed that if I am creating a route during the winter, that crosses a road that is closed in the winter (such as going over Kebler Pass at mile 250 of the above map), that the mapping system will not let me use the road. It took me quite a while to figure out this problem. My work around is the same, I pick a different map format until I find one that lets me do what I want.
When I have contacted tech support at RWGPS, they have always been prompt and helpful. That is SO appreciated in this modern world . . . .
Kelly, thanks so much for your second tip about routing via closed roads! When we were giving route suggestions to Bill the other day, I wanted to map a route through Cedar Breaks National Monument, which is closed by snow. RideWithGPS wouldn't let me, so I switched to "Draw Lines" mode and drew lines roughly following the highway, which obviously isn't very good. I just tried your suggestion of switching from the default (Google) map to RideWithGPS or OSM format, and it let me route via the closed highway. And the route stayed that way after I switched back to the default map. I've had this problem many times (planning summer trips is what I do for fun in the winter), so thanks.
I've had issues using the segment colors on Ride With GPS. Even if I choose a new color after dropping a control point, it often seems to persist the color that was in use as I approached the control point, rather than switching to the new color as I depart the control point.
And in a recent route plan, it seems to have switched colors mid-segment. I have no idea why. Has anyone else seen this behavior? Am I doing something wrong?
Basically what I have been doing is:
and so forth.
Here's an example.
The green leg should only reach as far as a control point at around mile 62, at which point it should have changed to some other color (I forget what color I selected but it wasn't green). Similarly the blue line should have switched to red around mile 175 but the blue persists for another 30 miles. I don't think there is even a control point at the color change, and I have no clue why the route changes color there.
I know it's nobody's job here to debug RWGPS but if you've found the solution or workaround (or if you've encountered the same problem) I'm interested to know about it. Or if you know what I *should be* doing instead of what I'm *actually* doing...
2 years ago