Editing question - line spacing and lists - CycleBlaze

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Editing question - line spacing and lists

Susan Shore

Hello,  I think I may be missing something obvious, but am wondering if there is a way to control line spacing.  In particular, if I use <enter> on the keyboard, I always get a paragraph spacing.  Sometimes, like for a list, I'd like to keep just a standard line spacing like I have for text wrap.  I've tried some HTML markup, but the actual markup disappears after I save the edit, so it's hard to fix mistakes (I tend to make a lot).  Does anyone have any tips for making lists or for preventing the paragraph spacing when using <enter>?  Thanks!

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3 years ago
Wayne EstesTo Susan Shore

Shift-Enter gives me single line spacing for lists, etc. I use it often.

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3 years ago
Susan ShoreTo Wayne Estes

Thanks.  Simple enough.

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3 years ago