Hilarious! The clip has a lot of great gags, but I almost busted a gut when all the cyclists ran right through the stop sign. There's a lot of truth in satire.
Humour is the best tonic in these difficult times. Thanks John. We are now in full Covid lockdown for at least a few weeks here in much of SE Australia. One of the spin-offs is some excellent grim humour. This meme is one of my favourites.
That was hysterically funny. And yes, the people who wrote that obviously understood cycling culture, or at least 'roadie' cycling culture. (No offense intended against roadies, or any other cycling subculture. :-))
Well, tastes differ.
I thought it was an angry, anti-(road)- cyclists video. Suggested to me that the Simpsons wanted to support anti-cyclist sentiment.
Is it safe to go into a cyclists bar? Cyclists are aggressive towards people in cars. Cyclists disregard road rules that everyone else obeys. Cyclists gang up on innocent car drivers who did nothing to offend them. It's OK to threaten use of firearms against cyclists. Cyclists are timid against threats from people in wheelchairs. When challenged, cowardly cyclists can easily hop into a support vehicle to flee.
Not very funny to me.
Another subtle one: there's a scene in some movie (actually several movies) where a driver knocks over one motorcycle outside bar and it causes a domino effect and dozens of motorcycles come tumbling down.
Here, there are dozens of Wahoo/Garmin bike computer/GPS units lined up recharging at the bar and one gets knocked over causing a domino effect...
Hi Ed,
The Simpsons is famous for using generalization, parody and exaggeration to poke fun at almost everybody and everything. It's satire. I don't believe the show's writers support anti-cycling sentiment any more than I believe Mark Twain wanted to kill the guy who invented the celebration of anniversaries . . . or Jonathon Swift wanted to solve Europe's 18th century poverty problem by having poor people eat babies.
Must be some serious cyclists on the Simpsons show writing staff - very funny short video clip here.
3 years ago