Hello yourself, Halûk! Or, merhaba! It’s great to have you here. Turkey is a country we’ve often talked about cycling in someday, and I’ve enjoyed dipping in your journals.
Following someone is easy. Open up a journal to the title page. Below the title are tabs to indicate if you are following them, and for comments. If you are already following them it says ‘following’. Otherwise it says ‘follow’, and you can start following by clicking on it.
Hi Scott, merhaba...
Thank you for your answer. Glad you think about visiting Turkey.
Strangely, I don't have any of those tabs. There must be probably a condition for them to be visible. Am I maybe too new a member to follow someone?
How strange! No, there’s no time requirement as far as I understand. You become a fully enabled member as soon as you register, and I don’t see any options in the settings that would affect this. Maybe it’s an incompatibility with your browser? I’ll send a message to Jeff Arnim, the webmaster, to have him look it it.
Good point!
I was using Chrome when the tabs were invisible. Now I tried with Edge and I can see them.
Silly me, I should have thought of this. Because similar things happened before. Thank you for pointing me to the right direction.
Have a wonderful day...
I've only seen this type of behavior occur when an overly aggressive ad blocker is involved. The ad blocker interprets the term Follow as indicative of a feature designed to track your browsing activity, or automatically subscribe you to something, and so prevents Follow and Comments buttons from appearing as expected. I suspect this is why those buttons appeared again when you used a different browser.
Never thought of that. I indeed have an ad blocker active. Pop-up blockers caused me a lot of trouble in the past, now we have another culprit.
Thanks for the hint.
I too have a strong aversion to popups and ads - I would definitely recommend uBlock origin, which has plugins for Firefox and Chrome. It's pretty stringent, but I've never had much of a problem with it blocking anything it shouldn't do - certainly CycleBlaze works well!
After Jeff's message I did disable ABP on CycleBlaze and bang!, the buttons appeared. I'll give uBlock a try as per your recommendation.
Thank you and have a good day.
Hi all.
I've just discovered this place and became a member. Now I'm trying to find my way around.
Under "What's New" there's a button "Authors you follow" which implies that I can follow people. I just couldn't figure out how.
How do you follow an author?
Thanks in advance for any help.
3 years ago