I'm certainly no expert since I have yet to post a journal on this site - but I have started one that is not yet visible to the public - I recall that during the setup questions I was asked to input a word that would be used to create the permanent link to the journal - I think the link followed this format; www.cycleblaze.com/journals/your-word (if I'm off on the exact format, someone please correct me, thanks)
Hi George,
Thanks, I copy the full https://www.cycleblaze.com/....and the name of the journal. When I copy and paste to browser...it shows up for example, this
Recharging at the Electric Mountain - CycleBlaze
Except on this example when copy and paste this to a browser it worked. I've done
other journals and it doesn't show up. I just thought maybe there was another way. I miss the search feature.
I’m not sure what might have gone wrong when you tried to link in a journal before, but it’s always worked fine for us. Note also that there is a search function, using the spy glass icon at the top right. It doesn’t work the best, but it’s an option. I think it’s on Jeff’s list of enhancements to improve it somehow.
Hi Rachel
Another way to find a journal is on the journals main page via the Location tab.
thanks Mike, just learning how to navigate the site....
Wondering how to share journals? I've tried copying the http link but this doesn't seem to work. Would like to post our journal links for friends. Also, what is the best strategy to search journals on this site?
3 years ago