It was a sad decision for us, actually, and we understand people feeling torn about it.
Jean-Marc wrote:
However, even though I have moved, I have left my earlier journals on the other site and that's where I find myself wondering what to do next. The other site, despite the aspects of it that made me feel uncomfortable, is a mine of information. If I were to remove my journals from that site I might be depriving other folk of some information that could prove useful to them.
To make matters worse, I still find myself turning to it when I am researching areas where we plan to travel. Obviously, this makes me feel truly hypocritical. So right now I am in limbo. Fully committed to CycleBlaze but neither wanting to be associated with the other site nor willing to cut the last ties.
Consider this:
Many people believe that all information in the internet should be free to all, however a lot of the major newspapers, London Times, New York Times , most Australian newspapers have erected pay walls so you either have to pay for the old fashioned paper versions or pay to get behind the pay walls of these organisations.
I have suggested to Gunton on numerous occasions that he install a pay wall but he did not think it was a particularly good idea. However if you use CrazyGuy a lot for research purposes it might salve your conscience if you made the occasional donation to CrazyGuy as a payment for information received.
Re leaving your journals up on Crazyguy:
I just googled cycle touring journals and CycleBlaze came up first, followed by Crazyguy so if your journals were only on CycleBlaze they would still be available to anyone who was researching the areas that you have journalled.
Scott wrote:
Neil kindly helped me out here by requesting that I get the hell off of his site.
Neil just deleted me without any requests or discussion.It might have had something to do with the fact that I was using his mapping facility for my CycleBlaze journals!
I now have a paid subscription to Ride With GPS.
We just use the free version of Ride with GPS. I’ve never really looked into a paid subscription. What extra benefits are you getting, and does it seem worth it to you?
Scott wrote:
We just use the free version of Ride with GPS. I’ve never really looked into a paid subscription. What extra benefits are you getting, and does it seem worth it to you?
I have no idea of what the extra benefits available in a paid subscription might be. I pay (<$AUD2 per week ) for the same reason that I used to donate to CrazyGuy and I currently donate to Cycleblaze, because I believe in paying for entertainment/information, particularly when those providing it are trying to make a living from it. Refer to my recent reply to Jean-Marc on this topic. As I wrote to Jean-Marc YMMV.
So, I believe the main advantages of the paid version of Ride with GPS is that it gives you voice navigation of your routes, as well as the ability to download your routes for offline use when you're somewhere without a data connection. Full disclosure, I'm saying this even though I currently only have the free version. I'm planning on upgrading to the paid version sometime soon (for the reasons mentioned above).
I tried using Ride With GPS and found it a right bother. I'm mostly using Google Maps.
How was the mapping facility on CGOAB any different from Google Maps? I thought it was Google Maps powered??
I was kicked off for asking on reddit about somewhere else to go because the intensity of the forum rants and other behaviors were starting to weird me out. This later led to all sorts of drama including Neil deciding that I was behind a DDoS and had tried to murder him. Remotely. From Asia.
Neil probably wasn't responsible for my being SWATted a few months later because the contents of the "Customs, Please Open Me" package full of contraband I received in the mail are a bit rich for his budget but, so far, no other better candidates have shown up.
Hi Joel,
Great to see you here on CycleBlaze.
There are a few reasons I decided to join CycleBlaze. The main reason is the people. That is, it is a cycle touring community of good people I feel comfortable interacting with and sharing stories with.
A second reason is that I seek out opportunities to shamelessly promote cycle touring in rural, regional and remote Australia. The diversity, vastness and beauty of Australia provide some of the most amazing cycle touring opportunities on the planet, and with my journals I hope I can convince more people to travel Australia by bicycle. I especially hope more international cycle tourists decide to come to Australia and spend time riding in our wonderful country areas. The potential benefits to both the travellers, and the Australian rural communities of more cycle touring in Australia are many and varied. I’m sure you are already well aware of these.
And a third reason is my ego. I have fun sharing photos and yarns about cycle touring, and CycleBlaze is a high quality site which provides a channel I can pander to my own need to have fun telling stories with words and photos.
Two years ago I asked Neil why he was being so hostile towards the new cycling kid on the block - CycleBlaze. I told him there was room for other sites devoted to cycling and no need to be threatened. He immediately, and without warning, deleted my account.
I believe he is capable of deleting anyone’s account at any time for whatever reason he conjures up in his head.
I still go to CGOAB at times for information because there is a wealth of information there, but, reading the journals is an exercise in frustration since I can’t even simply “like” a photo much less make a comment or contact the author.
CycleBlaze is a breath of fresh air. I feel more of a happy community spirit here and none of the weird, negative, and hostile drama Neil dwells in. CycleBlaze is young, positive and growing in the right directions. I feel welcomed here. Thank you Jeff!
Thanks Andrea. I think I am going to take a leaf out of your book and get myself scratched from Crazy Guy.
5 years ago