Same answer to both - you have to be registered and signed in for any of these functions: following, commenting, liking, or participating in the forum. I wasn’t sure, so I signed out and tested them all to verify. It’s of course very easy to register though.
Thanks Scott - good to know. Most of my friends & family won't have any interest in registering for the site, they will just want to read my journal - and they won't be able to "like" or offer any comments - oh well...
Don’t feel bad. Great that your family will follow along at all! I can’t say that our cycle touring has never made much sense to anyone else in the Anderson clan.
I'm replying to myself to add a couple more questions - partly just to see how that works! I have been looking at others journals on the site - something I read led me to question how the "Follow" and "Comment" functions work - so a couple more questions;
5.) Do you have to sign up on CycleBlaze in order to "follow" a journal? Will my family members and friends need to sign up in order to follow my journal, or can anyone interested use the "follow" function?
6.) Same question regarding the "comment" function - can any reader offer a comment or must they be a registered CycleBlaze user? The "comment" function seems to be the equivalent of the "Guestbook" function on that other site - previously I would tell my friends and family to leave messages for me on the Guestbook, will they be able to use the "comment" function and do that if they aren't a registered CycleBlaze user?
Thanks again for your knowledgeable replies,
Buddy Hall
3 years ago