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The renewed life in the Cycleblaze forums is really wonderful to see
For sure, Andrea - another harbinger of spring!
Looking out of my kitchen window this morning, I saw buds on the branches of our maple -- tightly furled, to be sure, but buds nonetheless. Mind you, there's still some 40 cms of snow in our yard, with more coming down as I write, but OTOH there was 50 cms just a few days ago.
And speaking of surviving and thriving, I’d like to gently remind folks that server space is not free, there is an easy-to-use “Donate” button that will show your appreciation and support for this space.
The renewed life in the Cycleblaze forums is really wonderful to see, keep the conversations going, it’s been like Old Home Week around here. Pretty soon we’ll have a lot of new, exciting journals being added, as well as absorbing and inspiring journals from the past. February has been kind of grim here in Oregon and reading your journals has been keeping me going.
Thanks, everyone!
3 years ago