Hi Paul,
This is Rachel, who is technically challenged, so please don't think I'm an idiot but I have another question.
I've been looking at the ride gps site and have a silly question. How is the best way to save maps on this site? Any recommendations on how to name to find easily?
No worries, Rachel. I'm happy to interact with others who share a similar interest. For RWGPS, I have a list of Routes (those that I plan to ride) and Rides (which I have recorded when ridden). For the Routes, I normally name them the name of the tour (Spring 2021 tour, Backyard Tour) which normally corresponds to the tour I'm planning. I sometimes split these into multiple days (Backyard Tour Day 1; Backyard Tour Day 2). For the rides, I just let RWGSP name it with the default, which is normally the day it occurred (9.12.2017, etc). And that's it.
If you're trying to keep track and search them on RWGPS, you could name them with the tour and day, for example "Palmetto Trail Day 1; Palmetto Trail Day 2" and then you could find them by searching your RWGPS rides with the beach term "Palmetto Trail" and all days from that tour would be returned in your search.
Hope this helps.
Just to jump in here, Rachael and I use two methods. One is that we date-mark the names of those that are historical (as opposed to planned), so that we won’t get confused and delete ones that we’ve included in journal entries. Also, you might find it useful to group your rides in collections. We’ve started creating collections for all of the rides in a tour or region. For example, here is the collection of rides from our tour of Croatia last fall.
I'll add that because maps added this way are "embedded content", it's possible to mess up when editing your post and get an error message stating that embedded content is no permitted. It seems maps are the exception, but every now and then I do something to trigger this message and then my map is gone and I need to add it in again.
Yes! I get this error if I paste (ctrl-v) text into an entry that also contains embedded content. Images are fine, but it seems to mess maps up.
This might have something to do with the HTML rendering of the page. Probably something for Jeff Arnim to look into.
The same thing happens with videos. I’ve cursed myself many times for pasting some text into the narrative, only to find that I’ve trashed the map and video.
Pasting genuine plain text doesn't break the embedded map. But for some reason the embedded map gets corrupted when you paste HTML formatted text.
Copying from another web page is the problem. It LOOKS like you are copying plain text but you are actually copying HTML formatted text.
The problem could be fixed in the CycleBlaze code, but it's usable the way it is. Copy your text first, then create the embedded map. If you need to copy HTML formatted text later you must re-create the embedded map afterwards.
Pasting the Map into Journal
Obtaining the Embed code
4 years ago