Welcome to both of you.
Mary got hit with the guilty by association rap too!
We’re glad you’re here. I hope to read more of your Boise to Bali journal soon (or was it the other way around? 🤪).
Hi Patrick and Rachel!
Welcome aboard Cycleblaze.
We are happy to have you here!
thanks, hopefully we'll get that journal uploaded soon, Bali to Boise.
Hi Karen
Thank you for the welcome, we are impressed so far by the community feeling
Good to see you two here. One thing I've enjoyed doing the past year is rereading people's long-tour journals. Looking forward to doing the same for yours.
Hello Kathleen,
Thank you, we are happy to be here, it seems to be a very supportive and happy group. For sure this past year has been one to nestle in to enjoy memories and future planning for the break out moment. Our journals are in the queue except the last one Bali to Boise, so we'll settle in and enjoy reading all the other journals on this page.
Glad you are all set up here! Looking forward to following along.
Well, here we are at our new bicycle journal home. We are Rachel and Patrick Hugens. On our older trips we never felt the need to "blog", we did keep a paper journal to record our adventures. While we were planning our RTW trip we found a great resource in the cgoab site, and we have decided to give it a shot and started a journal of that ride. We quickly found it very rewarding to have people follow us on our journey. Even though the "other site" is obviously troubled, we felt a debt to that community for all the great information it had offered us. We still feel it is a great resource to the bicycle touring community, it is just that we won't be able to contribute there any longer because Patrick was booted off, and Rachel was pronounced guilty by association.
Now I don't want to make it seem like this site is our "second choice". We have known about it, but felt somehow we owed to stick it out on the other site and just hold our nose. Now, the decision was made for us, and here we are. I hope, over time, we'll be able to get our journals up and contribute to this site and the people that run it.
Patrick and Rachel Hugens
3 years ago