Journal Comments - Two of Us... - CycleBlaze

Journal Comments

From Two of Us... by Jamie Dolan

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Brenda Cadieux commented on We're on our way home, I'm Going Home

Safe travels & I hope Lily Bear returns home🐾

1 month ago
Jamie Dolan replied to a comment by Brenda Cadieux on A beautiful ending to the day

Brenda, I am sorry to hear that your position was eliminated. It really was a pleasure to come in and see your always smiling face. A big loss for the Red Cross and for you.

1 month ago
Brenda Cadieux replied to a comment by Jamie Dolan on A beautiful ending to the day

Hello Jamie~

My position was eliminated in June @ the ARC. Twenty-three Donor Center Coordinators Staff Nationally also lost their jobs. After being employed there since 2000, it surely is different not traveling there to go to work. I do miss the donors and the staff.

Thank you for all your life-saving Platelets … you truly are a Hero!

Wishing you the best!
Safe travels😊
Brenda Cadieux

1 month ago
Brenda Cadieux replied to a comment by Barbara Walter on A beautiful ending to the day

Hi Barbara~I think Jamie needs a Red Cross umbrella as well😉

1 month ago
Barbara Walter commented on I didn't love the thunder

When I traveled to Vermont (via pick-up) in 1995, I traveled through the U.P. and thought, "I can't wait to come back here." I've never been back, but it was beautiful, as experienced in late August in a vehicle.

In separate news, I hiked about 17 miles today and thought, "Running was so much more efficient" and also, "I'm glad I'm not on a bicycle."

Thanks to you and Tina for this travelogue! I'll go back and catch up on entries, and I'll be nudging RC staff to check in. I love what you're doing with the photos & entries.

Oh - since you missed the World's Largest Bale of Hay Wound By a Single Person in Darwin, MN, you might consider seeing the World's Largest Pitchfork in Casey, IL. Unlike the World's Largest Filing Cabinet in Burlington, the Pitchfork does not disappoint.

take good care, and thank you for sharing Bob with us!

1 month ago
Barbara Walter commented on A beautiful ending to the day

Ah, if only you had a Platelet Donor "fanny pack" that you could use for your phone! There is one in your future...

1 month ago
Jamie Dolan commented on A beautiful ending to the day

Thank you Brenda! This has been what I hoped for and expected. Look forward to seeing you soon

1 month ago
Jamie Dolan replied to a comment by Barbara Walter on Wisconsin!

Some how, I missed that attraction! Trust all is well with you and the crew and look forward to seeing you and the crew in about a month and a half.

1 month ago
Brenda Cadieux commented on A beautiful ending to the day

Hello Jamie & Tina~
What an exciting experience!!!
Very interesting to see your travels!!!
Be safe & have fun!
Wishing you the best,
Brenda Cadieux

1 month ago
Bill Shaneyfelt commented on a photo in Wisconsin!

Sandhill crane

2 months ago
Barbara Walter commented on Wisconsin!

You are leaving my old stomping grounds, MN and WI - I can only hope you saw the World's Largest Ball of Twine Wound by a Single Person, in Darwin, MN.
Sorry it has taken so long to catch up with you - for us at the Red Cross, the time has flown!
Stay safe and strong. I'll catch the crew up if they haven't been paying attention.

2 months ago
Mike Ayling commented on a photo in The Bunkhouse

What a nice couple.

2 months ago
Tony Shaw commented on Tina Sums Up

Thinking of you:

2 months ago
Bill Shaneyfelt commented on a photo in Tina Sums Up


2 months ago
Bill Shaneyfelt commented on a photo in Into The Great Wide Open


2 months ago