Journal Comments - Breaking out of the box - CycleBlaze

Journal Comments (page 2)

From Breaking out of the box by Scott Anderson & Rachael Anderson

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Bruce Lellman commented on Life at Stacey’s, week one

Your pre-touring journal is valuable to people who are considering selling just about all of their belongings including their homes and cars and hitting the road on their bikes for an undetermined time. Even though you are doing all of this in lightning speed, it still takes a long time; a myriad of things to schedule and accomplish before taking off.

It also includes lots of psychological processing. Moving on means being accepting of big time change and letting go. It probably wouldn't be wise to rush this process.

7 years ago
Scott Anderson replied to a comment by Gregory Garceau on Escape velocity

It’s been a bit much, even for us. We’re both looking forward to having it all behind us. Life is really a lot easier in the road.

And you’re right about the paint, I think. We didn’t dream it up ourselves - we’re not that visionary - it came with the condo. It had a lot to do with why we were attracted to it, I think.

Take care,

7 years ago
Gregory Garceau commented on Escape velocity

Hi Scott & Rocky,

When you guys decide to do something, even something as life-changing as this, you sure don't waste any time. It recently took the Feeshko and I two months to complete something as simple as buying a new refrigerator.

I am so excited for you guys and your new travelling lifestyle--excited AND jealous--and am enjoying reading about your preparations.

One more thing: Speaking as a retiree from the paint industry, I must say that I really liked the colors in your condo. I would think it would be a sad job having to paint over them with neutral tones.

Your pal,


7 years ago
Scott Anderson replied to a comment by Bruce Lellman on Movin’ Out

I’m enjoying that aspect of this myself, Bruce. And you’re right - it is starting to feel like what’s happening now at home is part of the journey, and like we’re already on the way. I’m feeling a bit guilty about it though - there needs to be more biking in it! Soon.

7 years ago
Bruce Lellman commented on Movin’ Out

I like that your cycling journal is more like a journal of your life. It means that your cycling is an integral part of your life. In fact it may be a major part of your life now. And what better cycling journal is there than that!

Congratulations on your big move and fitting everything into your storage locker. Now your lives take a definite turn. I am excited for you both.

7 years ago
Scott Anderson commented on A New Year's resolution

Well, there could be, but I’m pretty sure your prize for this would be a firm slap from Rachael the next time she sees you. You’re only allowed one entry unfortunately, but the other half of your team still has a shot.

7 years ago
Steve Miller/Grampies commented on A New Year's resolution

So Rachel is 67. Are there any prizes in this contest?

7 years ago
Andrea Brown commented on The new ‘hood

Welcome to the ‘hood! We love it here too. You have barely scratched the surface of coffee and eateries so prepare yourself.

7 years ago
Ken Ni replied to a comment by Bruce Lellman on The Birds of America

Greetings from Canada, Scott and Bruce.
You can never have too many books-only too little space.
Good luck with the downsizing, Scott.
Cheers Ken Nicholson

7 years ago
Bruce Lellman replied to a comment by Scott Anderson on The Birds of America

I have zero space but I've been wanting to buy another bookcase! I need one. I grew up surrounded by books, (father a journalist/writer - mother a librarian), so I cherish books. Andrea says I have too many.

7 years ago
Scott Anderson replied to a comment by Bruce Lellman on The Birds of America

So how much space have you got in those bookshelves, anyway?

7 years ago
Scott Anderson replied to a comment by Mike Ayling on The Birds of America

Agreed. I’m surprised it took me so long to figure it out.

7 years ago
Mike Ayling commented on The Birds of America

You have to keep a book like that!


7 years ago
Bruce Lellman commented on The Birds of America

I'm glad you decided to keep The Birds of America. It's a beautiful book. I grew up with it as well but I have no idea what happened to my family's copy. I did inherit The Birds of Minnesota however which is also an amazing book.

7 years ago
Scott Anderson replied to a comment by Steve Miller/Grampies on Planning our Great Escape

Hey, thanks Steve. We will consider it; if not this summer in Vic, then sometime and someplace. I think we wouldn’t want to take our car across so it might not be this year, but sometime soon for sure. We have a friend who offered up the use of her home on Lopez, so we’ve been thinking around a revisit of the islands anyway.

7 years ago