Journal Comments - Breaking out of the box - CycleBlaze

Journal Comments

From Breaking out of the box by Scott Anderson & Rachael Anderson

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Scott Anderson replied to a comment by Mike Ayling on A New Year's resolution

Hooray! We have a winner! It’s enough to inspire hope for our education system. Sorry though - no prizes, but plenty of glory.

6 years ago
Mike Ayling commented on A New Year's resolution

Rachael would be 59 and in two years the next prime is 61.


6 years ago
Scott Anderson commented on A New Year's resolution

Sooo close! Rachael liked Jen a lot already, but this will throw her over the top! Only missed it by a few decades! Give Jen credit though for knowing 37 is a prime number. Great job, Jen!

6 years ago
Ron Suchanek commented on a photo in Life at Stacey’s, week one

I will miss Laurelhurst. It's one of my favorite places in Portland.

6 years ago
Ron Suchanek commented on a photo in Movin’ Out

You should tell your readers about the stellar parallel parking job on that rainy night on SE Belmont....!

6 years ago
Ron Suchanek commented on Planning our Great Escape

Downsizing is excruciating, until it isn't. Parting with books, bikes, cars and your home sounds nuts to most people, unless it's in service to a larger goal. Your former condo is beautiful!

6 years ago
Ron Suchanek replied to a comment by Scott Anderson on A New Year's resolution

"And, most importantly of all, we're both in our primes! I turned 71 last month, a prime number; and in March Rachael will age into her own smaller but undisclosed prime age (hint - we'll both be in our primes again in two years, and then not again for another decade)."

Brilliant. I am math-deficient, so won't stick my neck out like Steve Miller about Rachael's age. Ahh, what the heck! Jen says, "Rachael is 37".

6 years ago
Scott Anderson replied to a comment by Bruce Lellman on a photo in A late-winter hiatus

Yes, Roddy can be quite the looker. The Straggler can’t keep her eyes off of him.

7 years ago
Bruce Lellman commented on a photo in A late-winter hiatus

Rodriguez always looks so good when he poses.

7 years ago
Scott Anderson replied to a comment by Andrea Brown on a photo in Life at Stacey’s, week two


7 years ago
Andrea Brown commented on a photo in Life at Stacey’s, week two

These are hellebores, also known as Lenten Rose. They come in white, pink, purple, red, and even green.

7 years ago
Scott Anderson commented on a photo in Life at Stacey’s, week two

Yes, very photogenic.

7 years ago
Bruce Lellman commented on a photo in Life at Stacey’s, week two

What a cute cat!

7 years ago
Scott Anderson replied to a comment by Andrea Brown on a photo in Life at Stacey’s, week one

Thanks, Andrea! My understanding never quite made sense to me, but I was too lazy to research it. Doesn’t seem like the most promising place to sleep, does it?

7 years ago
Andrea Brown commented on a photo in Life at Stacey’s, week one

This is "Sonic Dish" (there's another one on the west side of the river) that amplifies/echoes sound if you stand about ten feet away and holler, sing, or play your saxophone.

7 years ago