Journal Comments - Unchained Melody - CycleBlaze

Journal Comments (page 9)

From Unchained Melody by Andrea Brown & Bruce Lellman

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Jen Rahn commented on a photo in Everyday - A New Adventure

Beam me over!

7 months ago
Jen Rahn commented on a photo in Everyday - A New Adventure

Is that a dog up ahead in the road?

The shape is not entirely dog-like, and that's the only thing my brain can come up with.

7 months ago
Jen Rahn commented on a photo in Everyday - A New Adventure

I love these morning 'beam me over' scenes.

7 months ago
Andrea Brown commented on a photo in Medals and amulets

Mr. Grumby does such nice work at marketing so many of Boof’s innovative inventions.

7 months ago
Jen Rahn replied to a comment by Bruce Lellman on a photo in Medals and amulets

Sandball Soup!!

It may be gritty, but it will make you witty!

I would love to be on your marketing team.

I'm sure Mr. Grumby will want to be in charge of T-shirt design.

7 months ago
Bruce Lellman replied to a comment by Jen Rahn on a photo in Medals and amulets

I believe they roll the sand getting nutrients out of it so that might mean that the sand is held together with their saliva or something else that they secrete. Maybe I should start collecting them and make sandball soup. Someone might be interested and then someone else might say it's an aphrodisiac and then I'm rich!

7 months ago
Rachael Anderson commented on Everyday - A New Adventure

I’m glad you are finding ice cream, it’s a necessity!

7 months ago
Rachael Anderson commented on Medals and amulets

I’m very glad you didn’t crash! I had a similar incident around Salem but actually crashed into a huge dog that right in front of me and I had no chance of stopping. I ended up flipping over him and sliding n my back several feet. I had horrible road rash that took several weeks to heal! However, I was lucky that a cop came by and could give us a ride back to our car!

7 months ago
Rachael Anderson commented on a photo in Medals and amulets


7 months ago
Ron Suchanek commented on a photo in Everyday - A New Adventure

Wow that's amazing!

7 months ago
Ron Suchanek commented on a photo in Everyday - A New Adventure

If Scott will pony up and buy that house, you guys will have a nice vacation place.

7 months ago
Jen Rahn commented on a photo in Mysterious Peacefulness


I've seen something similar a couple times.

Glad it's not the water itself.

And it would be fun to see Kermit's head popping up out of that water. 🐸

7 months ago
Bruce Lellman replied to a comment by Jen Rahn on a photo in Mysterious Peacefulness

Good guess but it's what we called duckweed when I was a kid. It multiplies pretty quickly and floats on the surface of stagnant ponds. There are probably many varieties of it.

7 months ago
Bruce Lellman replied to a comment by Jen Rahn on a photo in Mysterious Peacefulness

Yes, you're right. I can just hear the head monk's sermon for the week talking about the Buddha in the tumbledown temple is there as an example for people to meditate on impermanence.

7 months ago
Bruce Lellman replied to a comment by Jen Rahn on a photo in Mysterious Peacefulness

No, I never have eaten bird's nest soup and probably never will. How about a bowl of bird saliva? Nope. I don't find the Chinese fascination with eating weird things at all interesting anymore. Shark's fin soup has depleted the oceans of sharks. How about cutting off the head of a snake and squeezing the blood into a shot glass and downing it? Or, How about tiger's paw for desert? The Chinese believe a lot of this stuff is an aphrodisiac. Forget it. They found that SARS came from eating civet cat. I maintain that they will someday find out that Covid came from eating bats. The Chinese will eat anything if they think it will enhance something about themselves. I'm kind of done with it all.

7 months ago