Journal Comments - Unchained Melody - CycleBlaze

Journal Comments (page 6)

From Unchained Melody by Andrea Brown & Bruce Lellman

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Jen Rahn commented on Mai Pen Rai

I want to remember this, so I will add it to my collection of quotes.

".. we can create our own confusion quite well whenever we don't want to. It's easy."

Thank you!

6 months ago
Andrea Brown replied to a comment by Scott Anderson on Pink Eggs

I wouldn't touch one of those eggs with ten ten-foot poles. Gross.

6 months ago
Scott Anderson commented on Pink Eggs

Century eggs must be the same thing as iron eggs, which we found in Taiwan. Have you ever tried one? Awful!!

6 months ago
Andrea Brown replied to a comment by Steve Miller/Grampies on Winding Down

That was definitely our feeling at first too. But we've done three of those parcel train gigs so far and they've all been perfectly fine. There are few countries I would consent to do this in but in Thailand, well, so far so good. But honestly, the AirTags really really help our peace of mind.

6 months ago
Steve Miller/Grampies commented on Winding Down

Dodie says: I worry more about sending the bikes off alone than about a kid leaving home. At least with the kids we felt that we had done our best to prepare them to face the world and could rely on them to handle most things they might encounter. With the bikes, on the other hand, we are reliant on others to keep them safe and bring them to the journeys end relatively intact.

6 months ago
Gregory Garceau commented on Chinese New Year's Eve in Surat Thani

I liked the old stories mixed with the new stories here. But I kept waiting for something bad to happen. Nothing good could result from a smiling man buying bottles of Cognac for a couple of young guys who were too poor to buy a second beer, I thought. And something terribly embarrassing would have to result from an American guy buying underwear from a female Thai salesperson. And certainly somebody would get burned by a stray firework. But none of that happened. Everything was fun. Nice!

6 months ago
Bruce Lellman replied to a comment by Rich Frasier on a photo in The Journey Set In....Cement

But we could have shipped it. You never know.

6 months ago
Bruce Lellman replied to a comment by John Solem on a photo in Mai Pen Rai

Yes, sometime this year!

6 months ago
Rich Frasier replied to a comment by Bruce Lellman on a photo in The Journey Set In....Cement

It's gratifying to see that you've thought this through so carefully. :)

I guess you're back now, and since Scott didn't mention transporting your giant chicken from the airport, you didn't buy one. I'll keep my hopes up for your next visit to Thailand!

6 months ago
John Solem commented on a photo in Mai Pen Rai


6 months ago
John Solem commented on a photo in Mai Pen Rai

Clean by 2567!

6 months ago
Rachael Anderson commented on Mai Pen Rai

Great photos of the lights! When we were in New Taipei, Taiwan, we went to a pizza place 3 miles away that we bicycled to and coming back in the dark we biked over several pedestrian/ bicycling bridges all lit up with beautiful cokoful lights. It as amazing!

6 months ago
Mark Lellman commented on a photo in Mysterious Peacefulness

Is there an after picture

6 months ago
Bruce Lellman replied to a comment by Rich Frasier on a photo in The Journey Set In....Cement

Yes, STATEMENT is what I'm all about! The problem is that I think I'd have to buy the thing here and ship it to the States. That might cost a bit. But it would be so cool, until it got graffitied or stolen. But if it got stolen then maybe I could have my 15 minutes of fame on the local TV news. It could become a saga, epic even, with everyone looking for the giant rooster.

6 months ago
Rich Frasier commented on a photo in The Journey Set In....Cement

Much more of a statement than a pink flamingo. I approve heartily. :)

7 months ago