Journal Comments - Unchained Melody - CycleBlaze

Journal Comments (page 53)

From Unchained Melody by Andrea Brown & Bruce Lellman

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John Solem commented on a photo in Riding out of Saigon

Love in Home

9 months ago
John Solem commented on a photo in Saigon Photo Gallery

Love that Beatles poster

9 months ago
Gregory Garceau commented on Rest Day in Kratie

I'm really enjoying this journal. I'm not sure if it's Southeast Asia itself, or both of your fun and descriptive writing styles, but I find myself wanting to go there. I could literally make a couple of comments on every page, but I'm trying not to make a pest of myself.

I'd definitely appreciate it if you were to go back and get that Krud umbrella for me. I realize it would be expensive to purchase and ship to Minnesota, but maybe you could go to a Cambodian bank and take out a loan. By the way, I came up with a slogan to go with the jingle. "Krud: The Court Jester of beers!"

9 months ago
Brent Hirak commented on a photo in Bikes on the roof

Luscious looking image, luscious description. I never realized the idea about food tasting so differently in Different regions. But of course. For some reason that Revelation spinning around in my mind this morning

9 months ago
Bruce Lellman replied to a comment by Jen Rahn on Rest Day in Kratie

Yes, it's quite a disappointment. I was considering cutting my trip short and letting Andrea continue without me. She isn't nearly as disappointed about the situation. She says she's using shampoo in lieu of soap. So far I've not been able to go there. I mean, operas are made to soap. I've never heard of a shampoo opera.

9 months ago
Bruce Lellman replied to a comment by Scott Anderson on a photo in Rest Day in Kratie

I have never seen so many signs for this beer. I mean, it's really unbelievable. You can't go a quarter mile without seeing several.

9 months ago
Andrea Brown replied to a comment by Scott Anderson on a photo in Rest Day in Kratie

Boy, it’s not for lack of advertising. Their signs are everywhere.

9 months ago
Scott Anderson commented on a photo in Rest Day in Kratie

How could this ever hope to compete with Krud?

9 months ago
Kristen Arnim commented on a photo in Rest Day in Kratie

You could definitely find space for that in your kitchen.

9 months ago
Kristen Arnim commented on Blink of the Eye

I have also noticed that I coast more than Jeff on trips but never figured out why. Weight difference? Maybe he uses a more difficult gear? Maybe I pedal more intensely to get going?

9 months ago
Kristen Arnim commented on a photo in Blink of the Eye

I would have chosen this road for the jungle as well and been very disappointed.

9 months ago
Jen Rahn commented on Rest Day in Kratie

I think you went into this trip with an expectation of being able to replenish your supply of little soaps. (Right?)

So, it has to be stressful and discombobulating when there's not even enough available to meet your present moment hygiene needs.

I would love to have been a fly on the wall at the hotel owners' convention when they decided to dial down the production of little soaps.

I was so looking forward to some little soap replenishment statistics .. perhaps a flavor of the disappointment you are experiencing.

9 months ago
Rachael Anderson commented on Blink of the Eye

Looks like a very nice place to stay for a well deserved rest day!

9 months ago
Rachael Anderson commented on a photo in Eat what you can and leave the rest

That does look treacherous!

9 months ago
Gregory Garceau commented on a photo in Eat what you can and leave the rest

Now I'm sorry I endorsed the product without tasting it first.

9 months ago