Journal Comments - Unchained Melody - CycleBlaze

Journal Comments (page 47)

From Unchained Melody by Andrea Brown & Bruce Lellman

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Scott Anderson commented on a photo in A Two-Ferry Day

Wow. I want to ride on one of those!

9 months ago
Bruce Lellman replied to a comment by Ron Suchanek on a photo in Blink of the Eye

It gives the monks an opportunity to work on getting rid of competitiveness, jealousy, vanity, and a whole bunch of other stuff that Buddha taught to be free from.

9 months ago
Bruce Lellman replied to a comment by John Solem on a photo in Where blood pressure drops and time stops

Five would be about right. Two was not enough.

9 months ago
Bruce Lellman replied to a comment by John Solem on a photo in Where blood pressure drops and time stops

Your high degree of cleverity still shines.

9 months ago
John Solem commented on a photo in Where blood pressure drops and time stops

Yes, great shot!

9 months ago
John Solem commented on a photo in Where blood pressure drops and time stops

I’ll take 5 of those right now! Looks yummy if plotless.

9 months ago
John Solem commented on a photo in Where blood pressure drops and time stops

A chair tipped over is safe but is not what a chair is for

9 months ago
Bruce Lellman replied to a comment by Jen Rahn on a photo in Where blood pressure drops and time stops

Throat singing in Tuva is derived from listening carefully to natural sounds and imitating them. Like, sitting in a small stream and listening to the gurgling water around you.

Maybe the 4000 Islands area of the southernmost part of Laos somehow draws in those who are sensitive to these sounds without them even knowing why they are drawn there. This Finn neighbor of ours spends as much as three months on Don Det every winter.

9 months ago
Bruce Lellman replied to a comment by Jen Rahn on a photo in Where blood pressure drops and time stops

Seeing Hun Hur Tu live in concert 30 years ago changed my life. They are still the best Tuvan throat singing group around. Check out some of their videos on YouTube - studio broadcasts. One of them is absolutely magical.

9 months ago
Bruce Lellman replied to a comment by Jen Rahn on a photo in Where blood pressure drops and time stops

Thank you. Yes, I was excited to happen upon this scene. The little girl with a pony tail is so cute.

9 months ago
Bruce Lellman replied to a comment by Gregory Garceau on Where blood pressure drops and time stops

I grew up in the wilds of Minnesota and became immune to mosquito bites after getting possibly hundreds per day. But in SE Asia just one bite can make the rest of your life horrible or kill you. I nearly died from Dengue Fever in 1978 in Thailand so I am super careful now.

Yes, this was the worst mosquito net I've ever seen. Fortunately there were very very few mosquitoes, so few we didn't worry much. I don't know how this was possible since we were surrounded by water for miles around. So strange.

9 months ago
Andrea Brown replied to a comment by Jen Rahn on a photo in Where blood pressure drops and time stops

Oddly enough we met a British guy on Don Khong 9 years ago who was a throat singer and beat boxer. I mean, there are very few throat singers out there, what are the odds? This guy was Finnish and had been in his little hut for months. I heard him playing his banjo, which was really strange considering where we were, but didn’t get to hear the throat singing.

9 months ago
Jen Rahn commented on a photo in Where blood pressure drops and time stops

Love this shot!

Very cool view of the young spectator experience.

9 months ago
Jen Rahn commented on a photo in Where blood pressure drops and time stops

Throat singing?!

Made me look it up. There are some cool videos out there!

Was he throat singing while playing the banjo?

How did you feel about his music?

9 months ago
Gregory Garceau commented on Where blood pressure drops and time stops

Sometimes I smugly think Minnesota mosquitoes are the biggest and nastiest in the world. I live in a small world, I guess. I'm lucky to be able to escape them in a tent. I can't imagine having to clip the holes in mosquito netting provided by a guesthouse.

9 months ago