Journal Comments - Unchained Melody - CycleBlaze

Journal Comments (page 40)

From Unchained Melody by Andrea Brown & Bruce Lellman

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Gregory Garceau commented on Bike Stuff

The Dream On bike photo was a clever ending, but really, your "everything usually works out" analysis is TRUE! I recently wrote about my terrible bike maintenance habits, yet my bikes always seem to weather as much abuse as I can give them. Problems arise, then go away without explanation--as in your hub's case. I don't even worry about minor rust, clicks, squeaks, or wobbles anymore. If a problem doesn't go away, the bike still keeps on chooglin' for hundreds of miles until I stubbornly accept it has to go to a bike shop.

8 months ago
Rachael Anderson commented on a photo in Some adventurers will eat tendon

I also have chronic Deja vu! I’m always asking Scott if we’ve been in place where we are cycling before.

8 months ago
Jen Rahn commented on a photo in Some adventurers will eat tendon

He's probably waiting for Claw Face to show up.

8 months ago
Jen Rahn commented on a photo in Some adventurers will eat tendon

Now that's a niche egg market!

If this mascot had a sign it might read, "Fresh Alien Eggs! Petroleum-fertilized!"

I'm imagining the contents of the container in the other hand have something to do with this creature's Claw Face.

I might have nightmares.

8 months ago
Bill Shaneyfelt commented on a photo in Some adventurers will eat tendon

Rebel!! :-)

8 months ago
Bruce Lellman replied to a comment by Bill Shaneyfelt on a photo in Some adventurers will eat tendon

I left it.

8 months ago
Lyle McLeod replied to a comment by Andrea Brown on a photo in Some adventurers will eat tendon

LOL! Who knew that high school biology would be a primer for rural SE Asia dining!

8 months ago
Andrea Brown replied to a comment by Lyle McLeod on a photo in Some adventurers will eat tendon

In all honesty I’m not at all clear what exactly was in my bowl, but it all looked like something I should know from my high school biology class when we dissected the fetal pig. My dad was the teacher, that’s how small my hometown is.

8 months ago
Lyle McLeod commented on a photo in Some adventurers will eat tendon

Completely agree with your 'No Tendon for Christmas Dinner' stance!

However, a few plates of tendon were standard fare, along with 'more than a few' Bia Hói, after work with my Vietnamese colleagues. Apparently they're very good for your finger and toe nail health, or so the story goes.

They made for strong jaw muscles as well.

8 months ago
Bill Shaneyfelt commented on a photo in Some adventurers will eat tendon

Did you?


8 months ago
Bruce Lellman replied to a comment by Scott Anderson on a photo in Some adventurers will eat tendon

Witty as always!

8 months ago
Bruce Lellman replied to a comment by John Solem on a photo in A Wat Phou Photo Gallery

All enlightened and everything.

8 months ago
Scott Anderson commented on a photo in Some adventurers will eat tendon

Bao, wow!

8 months ago
Bruce Lellman replied to a comment by Scott Anderson on a photo in Counting our blessings, and also our kip, baht, and dollars

We don't play tricks. We're very serious all the time.

8 months ago
Bruce Lellman replied to a comment by Rachael Anderson on a photo in Counting our blessings, and also our kip, baht, and dollars

I sure don't see a lot of meat on these frogs. They must be for making broth - frog broth. Yum! I hadn't thought of that but now I wish I had bought a few dozen and had you over for dinner someday.

8 months ago