Journal Comments - Unchained Melody - CycleBlaze

Journal Comments (page 24)

From Unchained Melody by Andrea Brown & Bruce Lellman

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Ron Suchanek commented on a photo in Bubble-wrapped mummy bikes

That's so cool.

8 months ago
Ron Suchanek commented on a photo in Bubble-wrapped mummy bikes

It sounds like Sue is gonna be mighty busy with this new train station.

8 months ago
Ron Suchanek commented on Bangkok

Logistics....this reminded me of a few points in Porridge spending days looking at alternatives to bypass storms, get some shelter for Jen to heal from her respiratory virus, etc. It's amazing how it can consume hours.

8 months ago
Lisa Leslie commented on Planet Timelapse

Thanks for sharing "The Rest of the Story". At its best moments, I believe this is why we travel; to challenge the stories we tell ourselves about the other humans.

8 months ago
Ron Suchanek commented on a photo in Bangkok

Y'all are fancy!

8 months ago
Bruce Lellman replied to a comment by Gregory Garceau on Pineapple Fields Forever

No, it was in honor of famous cyclist YouTuber, Ryan Van Duzer, who sings Ole every time he passes through a tunnel. Everyone should watch some of Ryan's YouTube videos of his journeys. He's incredibly inspiring and his videography is fantastic. He's also a great interviewer. I suggest his Great Divide series. He also starts everyday's bike ride with, "No flatties, No crashies, No Whammies." And I add, "No snakies."

8 months ago
Gregory Garceau commented on Pineapple Fields Forever

While riding through the tunnel singing "ole, ole, ole . . .", I assume Andrea was doing so in honor of your collegiate alma mater. Or was she cheering for a bullfighter?

8 months ago
Bruce Lellman replied to a comment by Bill Shaneyfelt on a photo in Pineapple Fields Forever

You are absolutely right, Bill. Thank you. They even grow in warmer parts of the U.S. Drought tolerant for sure. We see them everywhere and they are really a nice bush.

8 months ago
Bruce Lellman replied to a comment by Scott Anderson on Pineapple Fields Forever

Oh, that's a good the doghouse! a few blocks away! I'm surprised you found it that far away. My shoe was pretty far away too.

Well, I haven't had the occasion to use a long ladder since "the accident" but I have used step ladders. They aren't really ladders.

8 months ago
Steve Miller/Grampies commented on a photo in Trying to restore light


8 months ago
Bill Shaneyfelt commented on a photo in Pineapple Fields Forever

Yellow trumpet shaped flowers...

Maybe yellow trumpet flower?

8 months ago
Jen Rahn commented on a photo in Pineapple Fields Forever

That cow has a good eye for composition!

Those spirit houses might seem boring without their bovine guide.

8 months ago
Scott Anderson commented on Pineapple Fields Forever

I love the thieving dog story. It reminds me of the time decades ago when I was painting a house (one of my ‘careers’ before I got a real one). I was barefoot up on the roof of a two story house painting the trim line by leaning over the edge, and when I climbed down the ladder again I found one of my shoes missing. A passerby said he saw a shoe advancing down the street with a dog attached, and it was eventually found inside a doghouse a few blocks away.

And like you, I finally stopped doing ladder work like that. I’m lucky I didn’t break my neck.

And you have stopped climbing on ladders, correct?

8 months ago
Bruce Lellman replied to a comment by Carolyn van Hoeve on Planet Timelapse

Thank you, Carolyn.

8 months ago
Carolyn van Hoeve commented on Planet Timelapse

Love the Planet Timelapse entry

8 months ago